17 ➵ allies

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[chapter seventeen]

"STAY here," is all I have time to say to Gray when I leave him in some other restaurant

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"STAY here," is all I have time to say to Gray when I leave him in some other restaurant.

Zach was in enemy territory. And I had to save him.

It didn't occur to me that I was leaving Gray to fend for myself; I knew he was smart enough to stay alive for the hopefully short time that I'd be gone. It didn't occur to me to ask Owen for help; he was too preoccupied with the Indominus, providing the perfect distraction.

I wasn't thinking straight, and even if I was, I wouldn't even know what to think, or what to do.

I quickly ran to one of the toppled over wooden tables and looked towards the Indominus. I had tears, sweat and dust in my eyes. I could barely see Zach frantically limping somewhere to hide. He must've sprang his ankle on the fall. I returned my attention to the Indom. It was still screeching at Owen. This was the prefect moment, the prefect diversion. But I had to time it correctly, I had to calm down and finally think of a plan.

I turned around, my back pressed up against the cool wood. Breathe, think. What would you do if the person you love was in danger? Would you grow a pair and rescue them? Or would your cowardice take control and keep you from saving them?

I closed my eyes. This wasn't just about me, this was Zach. This was the boy who doesn't know how to flirt, the boy who kissed me in the woods, the boy who saved me.

I open my eyes. It was time that I returned the favor. I looked over the table at the Indominus. Let the real battle begin. Me verses the Indominus. The prize: Zach.

I was on the opposite side, which meant I had a helluva run ahead of me. What would do I do once I get to him? What if it notices us by then?

I growled to myself. I'm wasting time! It was time to stop thinking. Thinking was just my way of procrastinating. Don't think, run.

And so I did. As soon as the Indominus had its back turned, I ran. I forgot about myself, I forgot about the danger, I forgot about everything. Zach had a better chance of surviving with me there to help him and that was all that mattered.

Taking yet another leap of faith for Zach, I ran to him. The Indominus noticed me, and directed her attention towards me, running full speed. Blocking my path, it opened its mouth, letting loose a massive yell. I could see the saliva oozing from its teeth. I took two cautions steps back. Its red eyes were locked on me, its next acquired target.

"Hey, over here!" I heard someone scream. I turn my head. Gray. He was flailing his arms, shouting. He was risking his life to save mine. Stupid, but I couldn't waste this.

While its head was turned, I darted for the opening between its legs. I ran though its legs, ducking when it started to move towards Gray. Owen started to fire at it as I scrambled to my feet and bolted straight for Zach. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the Indom rear its head around, snapping its teeth at me. I dodged the attack by falling to the ground. I pushed up on my hands and turned around, crawling backwards, watching as the Indominus roared at Owen.

Illusion ➵ Zach MitchellWhere stories live. Discover now