06 ➵ indominus

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[chapter six]

UNLIKE the field with its neat valleys and green lawn, the restricted area was more forest like; its trees serving as a canopy making this part of the park more authentic along with the dark dirt. The Gyrosphere rocked over the gravel and cut through the un-kept weeds as we entered the uneven terrain.

I couldn't see anything over the tall grass and dangling vines. There were no dinosaurs at first, but as we went further and further into the woods, I got more paranoid. My eyes scanned the trees and I sat in the edge of my seat. The reasoning behind the emergency alert crossed my mind. The reason had to be a big one so what was it?

"Maybe we should head back now," I pleaded, my voice cracking ever so slightly when I heard something move in the trees. I looked at Zach, who I had stupidly let control our Gyrosphere. "Please, Zach."

"Oh c'mon. This is off road, unfiltered. The full Jurassic World experience. Not even Gray is scared. And look," he said as we pulled up to four Ankylosaurs. "Up close and personal with four... dinosaurses."

"Dinosaurses? Are you really that stupid that you can't even figure out the plural form of dinosaur? You just add the 's,' idiot. They're Ankylosaurs," I say and look to Gray. "Right?"

"Yeah, but" he paused his eyes scanning the woods, "why do you guys keep saying four? There's five."

Zach looked confused. "I thought you were supposed to be the genius. One" he started to point, "two, three, four."

"Five...." Gray finished, pointing directly in front of us.

I narrowed my eyes, recounting as I leaned forward. My breath caught in my throat and my eyes widened when they fell on the fifth dinosaur.

It was so close to the glass that I could make out every nook and cranny, every scrap and crease of its rough skin. It was a mix of dark grey and greens, almost acting like camouflage providing the perfect illusion.

As it breathed out, fogging the glass, I noticed its teeth were stained red with blood. I glanced towards Zach, who shared the same scared look I assumed was on my face. The three of us slowly turned around.

One large golden orange eye stared back at us, its pupil dilated, locking in on us.

"Oh," Zach breathed.

"My," Gray gasped.

"Gosh," I screamed.

We watched fear stricken as the massive dinosaur rose up, its eyes never leaving ours. My grip tightened on the handle hanging over my head.

"Gray, what is that thing?"

"I, I don't know..."

Just as the unknown dinosaur rose up, it was knocked into the ground by a Ankylosaur. It growled at the intruder. In comparison, the Ankylosaurs was much smaller.

"ZACH! GO NOW! GO," I screamed.

He pushed the throttle forward, but it was too late. The creature dogged an attack causing its tail to knock into us, launching us into a tree.

I twisted around, extending my arm to protect Gray. The pod rolled until we were upside down, causing all of my blood to rush to my head. I closed my eyes. Analyze the situation, Mari. Think, I pleaded to myself, but I couldn't. I went numb, tears leaking from my eyes as I watched the monster bite the heads off each Ankylosaurs.

I could hear Gray screaming. In my time of weakness, I stole a glance towards Zach. His brown eyes shined brighter. He was crying too. Our eyes locked and I started to regret for the first time why I came here. If I hadn't been so wrapped up in trying to take the place down, I could have actually had fun with Zach. I regretted not getting to know him better.

As if it purposely wanted to ruin the moment, the creature zeroed in on us grabbing our gyrosphere and twisting it slowly so that we faced it.

This was it. We were going to die.

We held our breath, noting but our hearts beating made a sound. The dinosaur used its sharp claw to stab the glass, breaking through.

I shielded my face and when I looked up it opened its mouth, unhinging its jaw much like a snake, and wrapped its bloody teeth around the pod, cutting through the glass. It lifted us into the air and banged us on the ground causing the gyrosphere to crack. We highly the ground again, but this time the pod broke. I looked into the monster's eyes, almost silently begging for mercy, when I felt my body slip out of the pod and hit the ground hard.

Gasping, I looked to Zach. He had somehow managed to unclip my seat belt.

"RUN!" he screamed, snatching Gray and dragging him. I quickly search the ground for my bag. Where is it? I screamed in frustration as the Indominus roared again. I scrambled to my feet, hoping that I forgot it in my room and follow Zach and Gray.

I whipped my arms out to protect me from the dolled logs and dangling vines. Dogging tree limbs and partly tripping over rocks, we entered a seemingly peaceful meadow. It was almost like the island was playing tricks on us. I didn't trust it, I allowed myself to breathe and I noticed Zach and Gray slow down ever so slightly.

I sneaked a glance behind me. The trees were violently thrown apart as the monstrous creature emerged, destroying the sliver of hope I had left. I sped up, crying and gasping for air. I was a hacker, a geek if you will, I did not run. Ever. And here I was running for the most important thing I had. My life.

I hear something, something other than the raging dinosaur behind me. Rushing water. I caught up to Zach and Gray.

"We have to jump," commanded Zach. I made eye contact with him. The rational side of my brain cased to work. I could not jump. I shook my head. It looked too far down.

"I've got you," he said, tugging me into his side. "JUMP!"

And I did. Leaping into a pool of faith, I trusted Zach and fell.

I didn't feel the air rush around me, but I did notice when I hit the water. I was engulfed, water filling my throat causing it to burn. My eyes shot open when I felt an arm grab my waist, pulling me farther under water. I fought at my attacker. I need air. I was spun around as quickly as one can be spun while under water and saw Zach. He released me, and I swam to the top, gasping. "Zach?"

His arms were around me. "I'm here."

"Where's Gray? Where's that...thing?"

"Gray's on shore. I came back for you." I looked up at where we came from, then at the shore, were Gray was. I sighed. He was ok. I wound my arms around Zach's neck, allowing him to carry me; I was exhausted.

I dragged myself on shore, my nails digging into the damp dirt as I pulled up. I wheezed, grabbing a handful of my shirt and wringing it out. I looked up and saw Zach holding out his hand for me. I grabbed it and pulled myself up.

I wet shoes slapped the ground as we walked into the surrounding woods and stopped to rest. Gray rested his head in my lap as I laid mine on Zach's shoulder.

"Zach," I whispered, not wanting to disturb Gray, "What do we do now?"

He looked down at me, water dripping off from his hair. He slung his arm around me, pulling me close. "I don't know."

I don't know how long we sat there; Gray sleeping, Zach holding me, me listening to his heart beat. But I felt safe with him. I guess it's true. Going through a near death experience does bring people closer.

I ran my hands through the ends of my hair and got up. "We have to keep walking," I said, my brain finally coming to its senses. "We should meet some sort of checkpoint eventually, right?" I glanced at Zach, hopeful.

He smiled softly and looked up at me through tired eyes. "Right."

Illusion ➵ Zach MitchellWhere stories live. Discover now