+4 ➵ First Dates

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I posted this as a thank you to all of you who continued to read this far! I cannot explain how happy I am with the turn out of this story! I mean, 100K reads? Excuse my French, but holy crap!

I wrote most of this part before I started the second book, so this is back when they were teenagers.

Enjoy, and please don't forget to vote and comment. It really gets the story out there.

(Follow me to see the previous  extras)


Breathe in, breathe out. Breathing was a simple everyday human task, so why did it seem like such a difficult thing for me to do right now? Something big was happening today. Did I feel prepared for it? Nope. Was my heart racing in my chest? Yes. Did I wanna throw up? Kinda. Was this the most nervous I've ever been? Maybe. Was I scared? No.

I stared at my reflection, brushing my hair for about the forty-seventh time, pouting into the mirror when I messed up my part. I ran my hands along my leather skirt, as if I was trying to straighten out as many creases as I possibly could. I needed to look as if I wasn't worrying about how I look. I needed to look effortless. Ironically, looking effortless took a lot of time.

I looked myself over once more, my gaze lingering on my wedged boots. I haven't worn shoes other than my converse in a while, and I needed to change that. My converse, covered in dirt and ripping, were beyond repair; they sat lifeless in the corner of my room, a constant reminder of what I've been through and how far I've come.  I turned my heel to the side, surveying my new boots. I had to admit, it was a nice change....

I glance over my shoulder at the clock sitting beside my bed. 7:45. Zach will be here at 8:00, and I still haven't figured out a way for me to calm down. My nerves were making my hands shake and I couldn't stop pacing. I didn't know exactly why I was so nervous in the first place. It was just Zach, my boyfriend. But this was our first official date. Ever since he arrived, we've been hanging out and stuff, but noting as serious as this. I didn't even know where we were going. Which scared me because I knew this city better than he did.

My head snapped to my door when I heard a knock. "Marella," the door opened and Marzia walked in. She's been taking care of the house ever since my mother left for Egypt. She smoothed her hands over her apron, a small smile lit her face. "He's here."

I tried to smile back. No doubt it came out as a grimace. Deep breaths, Mari.

My heart drops into the pit of my stomach as I descend the staircase. I can't keep my fingers from twiddling and messing with my hair. I really wish someone would tell the butterflies in my stomach to f-off, their fluttering was not helping me.

I saw his eyes first, sunny and welcoming, I breathed out a sigh. His smile always made all of my worries go away reminding me that today is supposed to be fun.

Looking at him in his dark jeans, white tee and jacket made me feel as if I had over dressed. I glared down at my skirt. I had spent half an hour digging this out of my closet, and now I was afraid this wasn't the best choice.

I bit my lip, looking up at him once I reached the door, silently asking for approval, something I never needed before. Zach smirked down at me before placing his lips on mine.

I inhaled his scent, which I had almost became addicted to. I felt his hands at my back and I trailed my hands up his arms, letting them rest in the familiar spot where his shoulders met his neck. His chest rose when mine fell in perfect unison. His hands grip my waste and my fingers drifted towards his hair, drawing him in.

I was so wrapped up in Zach, literally and metaphorically speaking, that I didn't hear Marzia clear her throat until she tapped my shoulder. I broke the kiss, whipping my head around, meeting her questioning glaze and raised eyebrow. My face heated and I couldn't look her in the eyes. I mentally groaned. Stupid. Why did I actually think she'd just disappear?

"Sorry, Marzia," I mumbled, grabbing Zach's hand, and leading him out the door.

The cold wind hit my face, blowing my hair behind me. I felt Zach's hand slip down to my waist as we walked to his car, which Claire let him barrow. Anything to keep him to revealing too much about our time spent at Jurassic World. Every worker was relocated to Brazil until the news of the park died down. Claire was stressing out about the park's publicity and Owen was staying with her, trying to keep her sane. It was nice how we all were sticking together. 'For protection, of course,' according to Owen.

"So where are we going?"

"I don't know. I thought I'd let the lady choose."

I rolled my eyes. Smooth, Zach.


"That was amazing! Did you see the part where she was fighting him? Like Rey's got skill."

"Yeah, Zach, I was there, wasn't I?" We ended up going to the movies to see, according to Zach 'that new Star Wars movie.' I've been buzzing about it ever since they revealed the first trailer. Zach on the other hand, couldn't care less. At least that's how he was at first. Now he can't shut up. We literally just walked how of the theater, and all I hear is Zach relaying very scene.

"I mean, c'mon. That chick is badass!" I glared over at Zach. His eyes were shining in the glow of the street lights. He looked beautiful with his windswept hair, rosy cheeks, and gleaming eyes. Too bad he couldn't stop praising another girl. Yeah, Rey's amazing, no doubt about it, but this was our first real date. Is it too much to ask for me to think about me that way?

I looked away, not wanted to crush his enthusiasm. Tuning him out, I kicked a snow cover rock with my boots, shivering at the cold. It was a beautiful night. All of the stars were out and the last snowflake had already fallen, leaving the sky clear. I stopped to look up and take every inch in. I sniffled, pulling my coat tightly around me.

"Hey, Mari? You okay?"

I looked down to Zach. He had stopped, too, a few feet ahead of me. He was standing directly under a street light, its glow casting the perfect spotlight. His eyes were bight and golden; with just one look, I felt warmer. His hair was perfectly tangled and messy, and his cheeks matched his lips.

As the snow flew around him, I stopped shaking. Every nerve in my body had calmed down. My lungs felt full as if I didn't need to breath, and the cold was no longer freezing at before. I felt numb all over, but in a good way.

"Marella," he breathed. I need realized why I felt so free. I had taken his breath away. Placing my arms at me sides, I walked slowly over to him. I made sure to be careful not to fall on the ice. Each step crunched, but I couldn't find it in me to care.

"You look celestial," he whispered, the wind carrying the single line to my ear. I smiled, my teeth chattering. My hair was swept off of my shoulders and swirl around me.

I finally reached him. I was close enough to feel his warmth. I didn't lean in, I didn't have to. Everything I needed to see was perfectly placed in front of me. Gripping his coat, I held him to me, staring up at him. I took inventory for every speckle in his eye, ever crinkle of his skin. I accounted for his lips: their delicious, rich pink coloring, how soft they looked, how they'd turn a lighter blush pink when I bit into them. How his top lip was always turned up into a smirk when he looked at me.

Slowly, I pressed my lips to his, stealing his last breath. My fingers slid their way up his chest, absorbing every thump of his heart. His hand held my back, while his fingers lightly caressed my neck. Heat swirled within me.

Zach pulled away, leaning down to kiss my neck. My fingers tangled in his hair as he rested his head on me. His nose tickled my skin, and I could hear him inhaling my scent. I wrapped my arms around him, and he did the same. I wanted him as close to me as possible. For as long as forever lasts.

"I love you, Zach."

"I know."

Illusion ➵ Zach MitchellWhere stories live. Discover now