10 ➵ loss

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[chapter ten]

I was a bit on edge as the car headed farther into the park

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I was a bit on edge as the car headed farther into the park. I snuck a peek at Zach. He seemed calm as if he was trying to be strong. But for who, me, Gray or himself, I didn't know. He looked up at me and stretched his arm around the back seat to rest on my shoulder, rubbing light circles on my back. The soft motion felt nice.

"Aren't we supposed to be waiting for the boats to arrive? You know in the other direction," Zach suggested.

Claire was the one to answer him. "It's as safe here as it is there. We've been tracing the Indominus Rex and it is getting closer to the interior of the island. We need to find it."

"Indomo-what," Gray asked.

"The Indominus Rex," Owen corrected, his voice scratchy and hard. "It's that crazy dino that's been killing the Diplodocus in Gyrosphere Valley." I looked at Zach. So that was what it was called.

"Gray, have you ever heard of that?"

He shook his head and leaned into me. I sighed. He was tired just like me. We've had a long, rough day.

Owen turned to Claire, an annoyed expression on his face. "Why don't you tell 'em 'bout the Indominus, Ms. Dearing," he mocked. "Tell 'em about that monster you cooked up in that lab, Dr. Frankenstein." Owen had a subtle southern accent, I noted. My mouth smiled briefly at the comparison then returned to the grim frown it wore before.

"Cooked up?" I asked. In the lab?

That triggered something in me, making me angry. I leaned forward, closer to Claire. "You mean to tell me that that thing that almost killed Gray, Zach and I was a lab experiment! A GMO!" I was furious. Not only did they do what I knew they'd do, but they unleased it! "Are you crazy? What is wrong with you people?"

Before I could cuss them out, I remembered that Gray was in the car, dozing off innocently beside me. I shrugged back in my seat. Zach tried to comfort me, rubbing circles, but I shook him off.

I was pissed. I new this place was bad news. How could a bunch of intelligent scientists not understand the risks of creating a new species? This wasn't grade school where you could mix together two random chemicals and make a mild, kiddy explosion! This was real life! People could get killed. Hell, people probably have already died all because a few nerds wanted to play God for a while. Life and Mother Nature are not something to mess with. This was serious shit.

I huffed.

"Finally," Owen praised. "Someone who actually has their head screwed on right."

If I wasn't so suborn, I would have probably smiled, maybe even laughed. I liked Owen. From what I could tell, he was the only one that actually has what it takes to stay alive. And hopefully keep me alive as well....

We pulled up to what looked like a small stadium, but don't get me wrong, it was still huge. The outside walls were bricked up with concrete about forty feet high. I got out of the car, slamming the door shut. Utility vehicles drove past me as I followed Owen, trying not to get hit. Zach was by my side, a arm wrapped around my waist.

Before I could ask what was going on here, Owen, out of nowhere, punches a man directly in the face.

"Holy shit, " I gasped.

Owen grabbed that man by the collar, whispering, "That was for my Raptors," before letting him drop to the ground. The man quickly scrambled to his feet, brushing the dirt off.

"You son of a bitch, Hoskins, " Claire spit at him. "This is what you wanted all along wasn't it?" she asked, but I could tell it wasn't a question.

"It was bound to happen anyway," he coached, coughing on dirt. He turned his head to look at me. I heart rate quickened in a sickening way. I didn't know why they hated him, but I had a strong feeling I would too.

"Marella Masrani," he said looking me in the eyes. I glared, repulsed. "I'm sorry for your loss," he said, his voice laced with fake sincere.

My eyebrows pulled together. I was confused. What loss?

"Your father was a great man. Without him I wouldn't be able to send these Raptors out to catch that monster runnin' amuck out there."


My shoulders slumped and my breathing almost stopped. I didn't need much to realized that he meant my father was dead. I couldn't believe it. How? I didn't understand. My father was one of the most powerful men on the planet. How could he just die. Didn't he have bodyguards or something? I was in hysterics. I raised my hand to my face. No tears came.

I know I didn't know my father well, but I would have expected some sorrow. But yet none came. Instead a more fiery emotion took its place.

"You can't release my Raptors!" I hear Owen faintly shout. I felt Zach's arm tighten around me, bring me close as I just stared straight ahead.

"With Mr. Masrani gone, I have full control over that park and it's assists. They'd make great weapons," Hoskins sneered.

I pulled out of Zach's grasp, taking a slight step towards Hoskins. I didn't know if it was his face that ticked me off, or his foul order. Maybe it was the sickening conceitedness that oozed from his pores or the use of the word was when speaking of my father. All I knew is that I had a sudden surge of adrenaline that coursed through my veins.

I gazed at him passively as I slowly brought my hand back, then aimed for his face, hard. My fist connected with cheek bone. His head jerked to the side, bring him down to the ground.

He lightly touched his face, wincing. His face was bleeding and I might have broken his jaw. I couldn't find it in me to care.

"You piece of shit," I hissed advancing towards him, watching as he cowardly tried to scramble away. At this point all of the workers at the compound have slowed their actions, focusing on me.

"How dare you talk about my father that way! How dare you use my father's death as a reason to put more people in danger!" I kicked out my foot, stepping on his chest. I pushed harder. This horrible shell of a man was planning on taking control my father's park!

My breathing became labored as black creped along the sides of my vision. I fell backwards into someone's expecting arms.

The last thing I saw was Zach's face, pale with worry, as he cradled me in his arms.


Here's a new update. I didn't think I'd be able to update but I did. Hope you like it! I'll trying and update every other day.

Peace Out

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