「 𝟗 」Counting Down

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chapter nine; COUNTING DOWN
10th january 2024

Not a word had left Annie's mouth since yesterdays events

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Not a word had left Annie's mouth since yesterdays events. She spoke to nobody. It was all very confusing for Annie. Everything happening was confusing. She wasn't sure what would happen to Kazuo, neither what would happen to her. Annie dressed up in her uniform before leaving to the academy.

This morning she had drenched her face in foundation, hoping to hide the bruise that had formed quickly on her nose. She met Coriolanus outside, who gave her a slight nod in greeting. The whole room were filled with students in their red uniforms. People chatted while some kept quiet. Annie took quick steps down the stairs.

Coriolanus came behind, just a few seconds later. Annie approached Pup, who already sat in his chair. "Hi," she said. "Hey," Pup replied, scanning her face. Annie turned her head away by this. She'd rather not have anyone ask her questions. Sejanus arrived next to the two.

His mouth formed in a straight line. The girl kept her gaze down. Not facing anyone but the ground. Sejanus placed his arm on the girls shoulder. She flinched but no one saw. "You okay?" he whispered. Worried for his friend.

They hadn't been in touch recently due to the games. And he wanted to know how she was doing. Annie nodded, as a camera approached. She lifted her head. Not smiling for the picture but staring it right in the lens. Sejanus mumbled an 'okay' before walking over to Coriolanus.

Annie sat down in her seat. Her eyes glued to the communi pad. She felt somewhat relieved to see how much Treech has gotten sponsored. But the thought of Treech being in the arena made her feel sad just as quick as the relief had appeared.

"Tell me this will be over quickly," Lysistrata Vickers said to Coriolanus. Lysistrata was also one of the few who hated the games, and that actually cared for her tribute. "Here we go. Here we go. Come on everyone," Lucky speed walked towards the screen. His hands swaying back and forth. "Sit down Festus.
Come on." Festus lowered his head before running to his seat.

"As you know, we're about to go live. Just because you're not hosting doesn't mean you're off the hook, help me. Don't get lost behind your screens. No yawning. No gum chewing. Keep your chins down. Heads up. Shoulders back. And smile. It's why we have teeth." Lucky told the mentors before he pointed his finger to the camera, "Okay ready? We're gonna start guys."

Five... Lucky counted.

Four... People around started making themselves look more presentable.

Three... Annie's leg shook in anxiety.


Lucky Flickerman slowly turned his body around. His eyebrows slightly furrowed. A sorrowful look on his face. "Good morning," his voice echoed through the microphone and speakers. "I'm Lucretius 'Lucky' Flickerman," the penny in his hand flew in the air. "A man who need no introduction. Weatherman, amateur magician, and today. I'm honored to say, first ever host of the Hunger Games."

The crowd applauded along with some mentors. "In my hand, an envelope. Sealed, my prediction, the winner, to be opened by me upon the big shows end." Lucky was cut off by tenseful music coming from the speakers. Annie glanced over at Sejanus, not far from her. His nostrils were flared, and he seemed angrier than Annie had ever seen him.

"Well- Oh- They're here," Lucky stated, his hand holding the thing in his ear. "Alright, we're about to start. We're starting everyone. We're starting." he hurried to the back. "Happy Hunger Games," he repeatedly said to the mentors as he passed.
"Remember, when your tribute dies. Get out of here," his thumb pointed to the exit. The big screen showed now inside the arena.

Lucy Gray in the middle of the screen, she stood in the red light. The two young girls, Wovey and Dill, entered beside her.

"Enjoy the show!" a cheerful robotic voice said.

Annie felt goosebumps rising on her skin. They stepped into the light. Wovey had reached for Lucy Gray's hand, which she gladly took. But a peacekeeper came and hit their hands with their gun. Lucy Gray glared daggers at the peacekeeper.

All kinds of weapons laid on the biggest rubble, placed in the middle. "Stand on your marks or you will get shot." a male voice said this time. Aden shoved the tribute in front of him carefully to make them go faster. Bobbin looked back at him but shifted his attention to the floor.

Aden had to fight the urge to shout at the peacekeeper showing Lamina. The red head stumbled while sobbing. She hiccuped and cried. Treech looked around. His head turning everywhere.
Soon started the peacekeepers to leave for the exit. Aden hesitated and he walked the slowest.

The camera drifted slowly toward Sejanus's tribute. He was beaten up. Hung by the arms above the ground. People gasped at the sight. Annie felt sick and sympathy for the boy. "Oooh Marcus,"

"Guess we can all sleep better now that he's off the streets." Lucky commented in his mic. Sejanus shot up from his chair. He grabbed his desk before throwing it in the air. It flew across the room. "You're monsters! All of you!" he screamed. He was angry. No, he was furious. But mostly he felt like it was all his fault. Sejanus stormed off. Annie sat up in her chair. Wanting to follow her friend. She was about to raise up but once Lucky started counting from ten, she had to stay. For Treech.

"Come on. Be the winner Treech." Annie muttered to herself in worry.

The loud buzzer rung and the tributes ran for their life. Some ran away, to hide. Others ran to get weapons. The kids screamed war cries. Annie's heart beated faster. Like it was about to leap out of her chest.

 ୨୧          AUTHORS NOTE          ୨୧I wrote on my school computer so I felt like this was much better than my usual writing

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I wrote on my school computer so I felt like this was much better than my usual writing. Ending is kinda bad but I couldn't bother finishing it.

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