it's a word we say without
feeling how deep it is ,
we can both say words
and never make it real,
i recall the day that i said
"looking at you can fix a lot of broken pieces that i never collected"
and you answered
"then look forever" ,
i feel like i die every time that i remember your words and sometimes i cry
but other times i feel amazed
by the way you simply understand me
without asking how am i be this broken? ,
i loved your letters and your words ,dear the person who left me behind
we both fell in love
and maybe it was deep
in a way that we forgot about god's plan
but what kills me here
it's that we said "forever" and we broke it to "never".
Dear You...
Puisiletters and feelings written in this book in the form of a blame or a little longing , feeling worried about a love story that didn't work and ended from the beginning hurt , but what hurts the most is waiting for someone that will never come back .