CHAPTER 7 - So About That...

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Specify, author.

Uhh... The gay one.

That doesn't help.

The short one!
Yeah, be the short crabby gay silly

It was a week after the sleepover, and Dave had been acting like I hadn't told him anything at all. But I had. What is up with this guy and being so mysterious???

At least I didn't have to avoid him anymore, knowing that Spider McFussyFangs lied about everything. I don't even know why I chose to just avoid him completely in the first place.

But it was a Monday, and waking me up on a Monday is like asking me to jump off a cliff. Fuck Mondays, and fuck my life. I hate this.

In any other words, or just as few words as possible, which I already failed at, I have school. And school sucks. And we have a test on Friday and I'm going to eat shit on that test. I'm going to die. Even though Fridays are the best weekdays. Not anymore!

Anyway, I got way off track. It was time for school so I just threw on a random outfit that somehow looked good I guess and walked out the door. I knew I was at least a little late because Kankri already left. I sighed and breathed in the not-so-fresh air. It was starting to get a bit colder out now that it was the middle of Fall.

I saw Dave walking further down the street, but I decided against just going up to him. Honestly, going off track again, I never expected I'd flush for someone after just meeting them five days before the feelings started flooding in. I know it's super weird and all that, but yeah.

When I reached the school, I walked in the door and was greeted by none other than Vriska.

"Hey Karks, what's up with you today? You look like you haven't slept in years," She fell in step next to me as I walked, and I just rolled my eyes.

"OH, SHUT UP. I DON'T LOOK THAT BAD, AND KNOW I MEAN IT BECAUSE I NEVER THINK I ACTUALLY LOOK GOOD. ALSO, STOP IT WITH THE NICKNAMES," I retorted. I honestly wished she would go bother someone else. But no, she only chose me because apparently I'm 'easy to get to'.

"I'll pass," Vriska looked me up and down. "And if you think whatever that is looks good, then I'm afraid you're a8out as 8lind as Terezi!!!!!!!!"


"Then do that. You're funny, 8ut you're still 8oring. 8ye 8itch!" And with that, she ran off to who even knows where. I sighed, trying to rub the pounding headache out of my head. But just then, the nauseatingly loud bell rang, calling us to our classes. God, I hated school. Every part of it.

(pov swap time)

be vriska serket herself because i know you guys have just been begging on your hands and knees to be her

I walked off to class, a tiny bit proud of myself for being able to annoy Karkat again, the rest of me feeling normal because he's the easiest person to annoy in the entire universe. Pretty sure he's always annoyed. He was also in my first class, but I got bored of him easily. Instead, I found someone different. Someone who I actually kind of liked. Platonically, obviously! It would be disgusting if we were matesprits.

When I entered the classroom, he was talking to... Karkat???????? Of all trolls he could talk to, Karkat? But then he saw me and waved, smiling that silly smile of his.

"Hey John," I sat down right next to him, lowering my voice a bit. "Why are you talking to him? He's like, the most annoying, cra88iest, and even the shortest person you'll pro8a8ly ever see."

"Actually, he's pretty cool if he actually likes you! Even if it seems like he doesn't. But that's not my point. I feel like if you weren't messing with him constantly, he would be cool to you, too," He replied, and I rolled my eyes.

"Really. Him???????? Cool???????? You're 8ullshitting me," I rested my chin on my palm, basically side-eyeing John.

"Uhm... no? He's actually secretly nice."

"I don't 8elieve you."

"Believe me."

"Yeah, not 8uying it. He's the worst person I've met 8esides Eridan."



Just then, the pesky, stupid bell rang and interrupted the conversation, Karkat giving me a look.

This was going to be a loooooooong day.

now be our favorite! dave strudel! also timeskip AGAIN

Today was a long day. And a bad one, too. Not necessarily bad for me, but bad for the troll who was holding onto my arm because he was too stubborn to let me carry him. Context, you ask? Oh, yeah.

I don't know exactly what happened, just that Karkat was getting harmlessly picked on until he started pulling the most horrendous insults out of his ass and then got the shit beat out of him. His brother was at work, and my house was on the way to his, and I didn't really want to leave him alone, so here I was, helping him walk home. The only problem about even that was that he was saying stuff like 'you don't have to help me' and 'it was my fault anyway I should deal with it by myself'. I was honestly worried about the guy. He was never really like this around everyone else.

 When we got to his house, he unlocked the door and then turned around again, about to open his mouth to say goodbye. But I spoke up first.

"Mind if I stay? You might need help anyway."

He thought about it for a second. "YOU KNOW WHAT? WHY NOT?"

This was the first time I'd seen his house, or apartment, and all I could think about was how small it was after I walked in. It was smaller than my house, and that said something because my house was also an apartment that was pretty small. I then took a second glance at how beat up he looked, almost getting angry at the sight, because how could someone be this harsh just because of a few crappy insults? Well, probably thousands of crappy insults but that's aside the point.

I just waited on the couch while he cleaned himself up, and after he came out of the bathroom I had to stop myself from laughing. Karkat with wet hair was... well... he definitely didn't look normal.


"There's the Karkat I know. Now come sit down, I have to talk to you about something."

He shook his hair out, making it look a bit like his normal hair again, and then reluctantly sat down. He stared at me for a second with a confused expression. 

"So remember what you told me on John's roof?"

Random pov switch! BE KARKAT! QUICK!


So he did remember. I was hoping he didn't. I just took a silent breath and nodded. "YEAH..? WHAT ABOUT IT?"

"Well, I've been considering it and stuff," Dave looked a tiny bit nervous. Not normal. MISSION ABORT!!!! KARKAT, YOU'VE DONE A WRONG!

In spite of the panic that I was having, I was trying harder than I ever have before to not show I was panicking on the outside. Who, me? Nervous? No. Never. Where would you get that idea?

"And... I might think about it a bit longer because I just sort of went through something."

Worth a shot.


"Yeah, thanks. So.... yeah. Sorry, I can't say words right now."

"WELL... I'M NOT JUDGING. WHAT'S A WORD?" I said jokingly just to change the subject again. This was going to be a long week.


so i finally wrote again
silly, right? also if this seems rushed it's because im tired so yeah..... heres the shittiest chapter youll read in this entire fic

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