CHAPTER 12: Specified Safe Space

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be dave 

We were at John's house. Everyone was chatting, and we were all scribbling endlessly on our own little paper stacks. That meant that Karkat got frustrated at his own hands every five seconds, and he and Jade also had a tiny pencil sword fight every single time a pencil was thrown. The doodling period was nice, mostly because it was almost silent. Key word: almost. 

"STOP LICKING THE PAPER, PYROPE! THAT'S ACTUALLY DISGUSTING," Karkat shoved Terezi, who dramatically rolled over to a pillow pile and played dead. Tongue stuck out and everything. Karkat shook off his paper, which didn't help at all, and then tossed it to the side instead. 

"1 JUST W4NT3D TO S33 WH4T YOU DR3W!" Terezi crawled back over like a creature. Karkat held her face away with his hand, trying to draw something with his left hand and failing miserably. I knew something happened when Karkat pulled his hand away at the speed of sound with an "EW!!!" and Terezi just started cackling. John looked at them in confusion.

"What just happened?" John asked with a small tilt of his head.

"SHE FUCKING LICKED ME!!" Karkat growled, protecting his hand from any more random licking. Terezi fell over into the pillow pile from before, still laughing her lungs out.

"You probably deserved it," I chimed in before getting elbowed in the arm by an angry Kat. "Ow, what was that for?"


Soon enough, everyone in the room except for Karkat was laughing. Even Kanaya. When it started to get dark outside, Jade jumped up and switched on the lightswitch, snatching John's phone and changing the light's color to a soft green color. Kanaya looked up in awe.

"So That's How That Works," She muttered in realization. "Can I Try?"
Jade nodded and passed the phone to Kanaya, who made the light go to a bluish purple color. It took me a second watching the light before I realized that Karkat had skittered off somewhere. I just shrugged it off. He was probably fine.

The rest of us took turns changing the color of the light until we all decided to leave it at a warm orange color. Kanaya had said it was nice on her eyes and Rose and Jade agreed, so that's what we stayed with. We all just sat on separate beanbags and pillow piles until Terezi flopped down next to me.

"H4V3 YOU S33N K4RK4T?" She asked as if she was reading my mind ten minutes late.

"No, actually," I responded, and I had to admit, I was a little bit worried about him now.

"Yeah, where is Karkat?" Jade asked, just as concerned as I looked. I just got up with a little stretch.

"I'll go look for him."

"Do You Mind If I Come With?" Kanaya asked and I nodded. She also got up, looking back at Rose for a moment before following me downstairs. We both called out his name a few times. No response. I was about to get scared, but then I realized the one spot that wasn't searched yet. The roof.

"I think I know where he is," I told Kanaya, and she perked up.

"Where? We Looked Nearly Everywhere."

"It's a secret place that only him, me and John know about."

"Sounds Secret," She walked back in my direction. "If It Isn't A Place I Can Go, I Will Just Go Back Upstairs With The Others," And with that, she disappeared up the stairs again. I waited before also going up and opening the roof door. I headed up the stairs, peeking out cautiously before I saw the familiar shape of the short troll who absolutely loved this specific spot. I felt a rush of relief and couldn't help myself from smiling when I stepped up to the roof.

A Life Made In A Movie. A Very Bad Movie [DAVEKAT]Where stories live. Discover now