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You are allowed to request specific chapters; here are the rules.

1. No lemons 🍋

2. If the characters are underage, like Minilla or Jr, the one shot will be platonic.

3. Readers are allowed; y'all need to love too. 💞

4. You can request gay ships if you all want.

5. I won't do any fan series such as Kaiju Girls, so don't bother requesting that. Gemstone Godzilla and Gigan Rex are allowed since it's official.

6. Yanderes are allowed.

7. If you want a specific oneshot dealing with touchy subjects, I'll try to do it respectfully, but if I can't, it'll be implied, or I won't do it.

8. If you want a specific scenario, let me know.

9. Be specific with what version of the kaiju

10. If you want to criticize me, please do. I want to improve my writing, and suggestions on how will help immensely.

11. I'm only doing Godzilla and Gamera Kaiju, yeah sorry, I mean you can request other kaiju from different media but expect it to take some time.

12. No incest

Kaiju OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now