(Platonic) Showa Godzilla x Legendary Godzilla

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Requested by Supershade15

Showa Godzilla opened his eyes to a light-grown was escaping his snout as he stood up. The Atomic reptile blinked a little before looking around, the landscape looked different. Showa Godzilla, who I'm calling Showa, looked around, he was near a city and people were running away screaming, the vehicles the humans had were different from the ones he usually saw them using, they were more advanced. Eh, whatever. Showa immediately turned around and walked into the ocean, his tail moving as he entered the ocean and began swimming away, his dorsal plates submerging underwater. Showa closed his eyes trying to remember how he got here.


Showa roared as he was brought back under his control. The Atomic reptile growled feeling anger enter his body, Showa began moving toward the Xilien's location, remembering how the Xilien's mind controlled him and his fellow kaiju, oh they were going to pay, you don't do that to the King of The Monsters and get away with it. Showa looked up noticing....a plane. Great, the Japanese were going to use that to attack him like they usually do, which wouldn't do much, well most of the time, he pretended he wasn't trapped in ice by one. His eyes narrowed as it dropped a bomb. Showa tilted his head before his black pupils dilated as a black hole opened up, the atomic reptile didn't have time to move as it sucked him in.

(Flashback End, Jiminy crickets Batman that was short)
(Also Showa was taken around the events of Destroy All Monsters)

The memory flooded into Showa's mind, a sigh escaped his snout. He began sensing trying to find anything familiar whether it was a kaiju or person. The Atomic reptile sensed things that were... similar but different, he couldn't put his claw on it exactly. Showa sensed Rodan or something familiar to him, it was weird, he had the same energy as the one he knew but there was a tinge of something else mixed in it just enough to make it different. He also sensed something similar to himself, but it was different compared to the other ones, whatever he thought. He sensed Mothra which again did the same thing similar to the moth goddess he knew but different.

He was curious about what Mothra or the one he knew was doing right now. Maybe she was trying to stop the Xilien's invasion? Or she could be looking for him? He missed her, even though he didn't want to ever admit it, Showa wondered if she even liked or cared about him. Look he'll admit he isn't exactly the best kaiju out there but he's trying....that should count for something...right?

Showa paused as he sensed another familiar energy, the atomic reptile was at a standstill. The Atomic reptile sensed Kong, his old enemy. Showa didn't know how to react, Part of him felt bitter and angry at the ape kaiju for his loss against him. But the other part felt a little saddened, it was a different version of him, sure. The guilt remained he attacked him out of anger and, wait a minute. Showa's eyes widen, what was he thinking? Reliving memories of the past when he should be focusing on getting back to stop the Xillens and getting back to Minilla. Showa continued swimming trying to figure out what to do, maybe he could find Mothra or this version? Maybe she can help him?

Godzilla came out of the ocean and roared trying to get Mothra's attention. The atomic dinosaur would do this on Monster Island if he was looking for a kaiju and couldn't find it. It was usually an order, a call for them to obey him.


Legendary opened his pink eyes as he got up from inside the Colosseum, The atomic reptile heard the call and growled in annoyance. Really? Is another titan trying to take his place? Legendary thought they would've learned from Scylla and Tiamat. Oh well, Legendary thought they would be dealt with the same. The atomic reptile was getting intrigued as he sensed this challenger, he felt similar to him. Maybe another Goijra? Hmph, maybe he won't hurt them, too badly. Another part of him was wondering why they were calling Mothra.

Legendary also started sensing something else, their presence, upseted the natural order. This pissed Legendary off, the atomic reptile was starting to think this was an alien titan.


Showa was starting to wonder if Mothra would come. Figures, the atomic reptile thought. Showa turned his head, sensing the other him. Legendary came out of the water and roared, he stared down. The Atomic reptile couldn't help but be surprised seeing the Titan only at 50 meters, it really showed while he was standing in hollow water. His orange eyes narrowed looking down at this Titan, who he started sensing a familiar aura coming off of him.

"Um Hi?" Showa questioned looking up at the kaiju, shocked that this version was so tall and big. "Cute" Legendary mumbled menacingly aggression dripping off of his snout. The atomic reptile charged and fired his pink atomic breath at him, Showa was hit with the pink atomic breath. Show quickly regained his footing surprised, the attack didn't do much to him. Legendary was surprised too, but whatever. Legendary rushed at Showa, his feet smacking agains the sand.

Showa dodged the attack and uppercut him. Legendary stumbled back, that attack was strong, like really strong, it almost broke his jaw. Showa turned around and fired his atomic, Showa's dorsal plates slammed into Legendary's chest. Legendary coughed up some saliva. Legendary growled and rammed into Showa throwing Showa off his feet, Legendary grabbed his tail and went crocodile on him, his bites and claws doing nothing to Showa, it wasn't even piercing his scales.

Showa slammed his fist into the side of Legendary's head getting him off him, Showa grabbed his head and attempted to throw him but failed. Legendary wrapped his claws around Showa's neck and attempted to open up his mouth, his pink dorsal plates glowing. Showa quickly dropped-kicked throwing Legendary on his back, his body crashing into the water.

Showa ran at Legendary and did....

Legendary stared in shock and confusion, how the hell? Suddenly a portal opened up and Showa flew into it, closing after he entered

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Legendary stared in shock and confusion, how the hell? Suddenly a portal opened up and Showa flew into it, closing after he entered. Legendary stared blinking, he signed and turned around slowly walking away, along with his body his ego was bruised, how the hell can a Titan as small as him do so much damage in a few hits?

"Did you call?" A soft and angelic voice questioned behind him, turning around, Mothra was flapping her wings, her mantis-like legs tucked in. "No, it's fine I handled the situation" Godzilla mumbled entering the ocean.

Showa's feet slammed against the mountain, he fell on his back feeling his dorsal plates sink in the dirt. Show got up and looked around. Where was he now? Sensing Showa realized he was sensing familiar energies, sighing in relief, it turned to horror, crap the Xiliens. Showa quickly rushed to their location.

Word Count: 1193

Okay, sorry for the bad fight scene. Anyway I hope ye enjoyed it.

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