MonsterVerse Mothra x Male Child Reader

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Requested by Supershade15

Y/N was shivering as he walked around the forest, his teared stain eyes surveying the landscape. His mind is replaying the events that transpired. "I never wanted you!" his voice yelled. "You were nothing but a mistake." Those lines from Y/N's father kept repeating throughout his mind. Hmm? What happened? Well, Y/N's father abandoned him; he never got over what happened with his mother. See, when Y/N was born, his mother died shortly after. Connecting the dots, you can see that his father blamed him for it.

Thankfully, his father didn't hurt him; well, physically anyway, he just yelled and screamed at him before leaving him all alone in the woods. It started getting dark; Y/N is afraid of the dark. He hesitantly stepped into a cave for shelter. The cave was quite large, being around 50–60 ft wide and tall. Y/N sat on the cave floor and began weeping. Why? Why did he have to be born? Why could he have died?

(With Mothra)

The moth titan was silently resting in her cave. She was trying to get over her loneliness. It was the kind of loneliness where she wanted a companion or something to take care of. Yeah, she was the kind of titan who wanted children, she wanted one for a while now, but there were issues with that. One, she needed a lover for that, and considering she's the only one of her species, breeding with another titan wouldn't guarantee her getting pregnant, especially since she's technically immortal, unless her children got an ability similar to her. She would outlive them regardless if they could age or not. (Think of Godzilla since it seems like he can't age.)

Mothra's feather antennas perked up when she heard crying? It sounded human. The moth titan got up; she was confused. What was a human doing all the way out here? Especially one that sounded so young.

(Back with Y/N)

Y/N was hugging his knees as he wept silently, damming everything he ever did wrong, down to the simplest mistakes. His left eye caught something. He turned his head, his sadness beginning to be replaced with fear as he saw a pair of blue eyes stare at him. The figure approached him, revealing Mothra. Y/N got up and backed away in fear. Mothra immediately stood still; she understood the little one was afraid of her.

"Hello, there little one, do not be afraid," Mothra said telepathically. Y/N is really scared now. How was there something in his mind? His voice whimpered as he spoke. "W-what are you?" Mothra silently thought of a reply, trying her best not to appear as a threat. "I am Mothra, Guardian of Earth and Queen of the Monsters. May I ask why you are here, little one?" Mothra questioned: It was unusual to see a child around the ages of 7-9 without their caretaker nearby. "M-my dad left me here..." Y/N spoke quietly, remembering the events that transpired.

"I see" Mothra responded, finding it completely irresponsible to leave a child out here. Especially towards the younger side by themselves. "Do you know when he'll be back?" Mothra questioned again; her plan was to simply look after the little one until their father returned. "He's not..." Y/N looked back down, tears dropping from his tear-stained eyes, Mothra immediately got the message; it was clear as crystal, he was abandoned. Mothra was trying to think about what to do. She could fly him to a city where he could get some help and maybe be adopted. Or maybe, just maybe, she could look after him? His family didn't seem to care about him, so maybe?

"Would you like me to take care of you, little one?" Y/N was taken aback by this. Mothra was surprised; she actually said or mentally spoke it. Y/N wasn't sure; on the one hand, it was a titan, so he wasn't sure if he could be taken care of, plus he didn't really know her. On the other hand, he has no one, and she seems nice. "O-okay," the moth titan nodded as she came closer and towered over him. "Very well, little one."

Word Count: 719

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