Gamera (Showa) x Snow leopard kaiju (Fem)

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Gamera was lying at the bottom of the ocean his eyes were closed as he lay there, and the bipedal turtle kaiju was listening to the notices of the ocean

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Gamera was lying at the bottom of the ocean his eyes were closed as he lay there, and the bipedal turtle kaiju was listening to the notices of the ocean. He was one with it, nothing could disturb him. Well, he was until he started sensing some children in trouble. Gamera opened his eyes, and his arms, legs, tail, and head retracted into his shell. The shell came swirling out of the ocean as it flew off to where he sensed them. Panic slowly entered his body as he saw what appeared to be a snow leopard kaiju. His eyes narrowed, great, he thought, another kaiju he has to deal with he flew down ready to ram into her. (Aya yo)

"Hey, can you help me?" The snow leopard called out to the turtle kaiju flying towards her. Gamers quickly exited his shell, his bottom slamming into the ground as he entered his shell, with a screeching halt he stopped a few feet away from her. Y/N looked surprised and concerned. "Hey, you okay in there?" she questioned with genuine concern, for the turtle kaiju. He exited his shell, staring at her with surprise and suspicion.

"Uh, yeah, I'm okay..." Gamera mumbled looking down at her, he immediately spotted the children. "Gamera!" they yelled out with relief and excitement. Taking the situation into account the turtle kaiju figured out the issue, one of the kids, the taller one had his leg stuck underneath a boulder. He looked at the snow leopard wondering why she didn't do anything. I mean she's right there, that's when he saw it, her body was pressed up against the mountain keeping a whole group of boulders at bay.

"Do these kids know you?" Y/N questioned looking at Gamera, she was confused about how they knew him, usually, Kaiju aren't recognized fondly by humans let alone children.

"Huh, yeah I'm Gamera, friend of all children" The turtle Kaiju mumbled getting a little awkward. He wasn't used to talking to his fellow kaiju, whenever he encountered one they tried killing him, so meeting one that didn't immediately try killing him was so foreign to him, that he simply didn't know how to act.

"Oh, cool, I'm Y/N, guardian of the cold" Y/N said her tail wagging a little along with her whiskers. Gamera found it cute, wait what? "I found them and managed to prevent these boulders from crushing them..." Y/N continued looking down at the kids before back to the turtle kaiju.

Gamera nodded and listened quietly to what she was saying, he slowly began to not see her as a threat. Or at least wasn't that bad. I mean she didn't have to protect the children from being crushed to death, even if this was some plan to lure him out, why hasn't she acted on it yet? "I see" was the only reply Gamera could muster out as he became silent. Reaching down towards the kids, he effortlessly picked the boulder off the kid and through it, causally, his claws picked up both of the kids.

"How's the tall one?" Y/N questioned bringing Gamera's attention back to her. "He's alright" As soon as those words escaped his mouth, the snow leopard quickly jumped away as the boulders came crashing down on the mountainside, Gamera flinched a little surprised by the sudden action.

"That's good" Y/N smiled innocently, Gamera started seeing similarities between her innocence similar of a kid's. She was slowly coming off to naive to him....maybe he was looking too into this. "What are you going to do with them?" Y/N questioned tilting her head.

"Well, I'm planning on taking them home, where they can be taken care of" Gamera explained Y/N stared before nodding. "Oh okay!" she spoke happily, she believed him just like that? Wow, definitely naive. "Well get home safe, and have a good day Gamera" Y/N said skipping off, leaving a slightly bewildered Gamera. Slowly his legs entered his shells as he flew off.


Y/N was lying in the mountains of Norway her fur crunching against the snow as she dug into it, she appeared to be playing around in it. She stuck her head out to be surprised to see...legs. Wow, what are grey turtle-like legs doing here? Her E/C looked up and realized it was Gamera. "Oh hey, Gamera!!" she spoke happily shaking the snow off her fur.

"Uh, hi, Y/N," Gamera said softly clearing his throat, the turtle kaiju tried to remain calm and not that awkward. "What are you doing here, did you come for the snow?" Y/N questioned her body practically hiding. Due to her white fur, only showing her whiskers, pink nose on her snout, E/C, and Color spots Ridiling her back.

"I guess I came to talk?" Gamera said it came off more as a question rather than an answer. The turtle kaiju didn't get why he came out to find her. Was it because he was curious about her? Was he hoping to become friends with her? allies? He didn't exactly know. "Oh okay," Y/N said energetically, her tail wagging and ears folded kinda like a dog. Did she believe him, just like that? Wow, she's very trusting.

So they started doing things, Y/N showed him the mountains of Norway, and Gamera powered through the cold as she showed him. They talked about their lives and the kaiju they had to fight, which surprised Gamera, a kaiju like her fighting. Eh, it sounded weird but he believed her. Then the conversation switched to him being able to fly. "Can I ride on your shell?" Y/N questioned excitedly, the turtle kaiju was silently thinking about it. "Well, yeah I'll go slow," Gamera said lying on his stomach his legs retracted into his shell. Y/N jumped on top of him, she was surprisingly light, and she clung to the back of the shell as he flew.

Gamera made sure to go slow so she didn't fly off, the turtle kaiju was starting to enjoy having Y/N's company. Y/N enjoyed flying in the air with Gamera, the wind felt so good on her fur. Gamera noticed this and smiled she looks so cute....was he falling for her? Eh, he didn't mind it.

Word Count: 1067

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