1 | Should Math Really Be a Mandatory School Subject?

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ARTICLE TITLE: Should Math Really Be a Mandatory School Subject?

DRAFTED TEXT: That thought crosses my mind every single time I have to solve an equation. Once you learn the multiplication and division table, what's the point? Math past third grade is useless.

The sounds of the pen filled her ears as she scribbled the words in her notebook — the one she used for her ideas, not her school notebook; she didn't want to risk anyone seeing it — tapping her temple as she leaned on her desk. She only heard that Yoon Si Eun and Jeon Yeong Bin had won first and third place respectively in a Math competition she hadn't participated in, and were currently at the front of the class, receiving their certificates. Y/n didn't understand liking Math enough to join competitions. Or maybe it was just for the sake of participating so the award would be in your report card. Yeah, that made more sense.

She liked the title, but not the text. She would definitely have to rework it later, though she might be tired of the topic by the time she gets home. Besides, she still had to write that article about the school's baseball team tonight. She still had two days to submit it for the school website.

The whole class clapped for the two winners; Y/n didn't, though the loud noise had startled her out of her thoughts. Jang Yeong Bin was receiving his third-place certificate. Yoon Si Eun simply stood to the side and stared into nothing, as usual. Y/n was sure no one was clapping for him. He wasn't the most popular and social guy in the class; she wondered why he chose to isolate himself like that.

''So, the mock test is in less than two weeks,'' the teacher said and Y/n closed her tired eyes for a second. A silent sigh escaped her lips. ''Are you all working hard for it?''

A chorus of agreements echoed through the room. Y/n had mumbled along, although it wasn't necessarily true on her part.

''If you don't work hard, you may regret it later when you take the actual exam,'' the teacher continued.

Fuck, I know. Still, the exam was two weeks away. There was more than enough time.

Break didn't come too long after. Once their teacher was gone, the classroom erupted into chaos, people moving around to get to their friends — or their bullies. Y/n moved to sit near Lee On Jo, Kang Eun Hye, Oh Soon Yeon and Kim Ji Hyun. All girls were gathered around Eun Hye's desk, looking down at her phone as a video played.

''He's so pretty, right?'' Eun Hye said as she scrolled through more pictures in her gallery, showing off her newest celebrity crush. ''And he's a good singer, too! He's only, like, four years older than me.''

Y/n pursed her lips as she held her history book open on her lap, sitting on top of On Jo's desk and peering over Eun Hye's shoulder. ''You definitely have a type.''

''He looks and dresses like that guy you showed us last week,'' On Jo pointed out. ''At least the age difference is less this time.''

''Also the one from that other show you watched,'' Ji Hyun added.

Eun Hye rolled her eyes. ''It's not my fault they're all good-looking.''

Loud laughter rang through the classroom and all five girls turned to look back. Yeong Bin and his goons were taking a video of a boy attempting to dance seductively as they spurred him on. Soon Yeon sighed. ''He thinks he's such a big deal.''

''It's not like anyone's stopping him,'' Ji Hyun said. ''No wonder he would think that.''

Y/n pursed her lips. She felt bad for the kid, but she didn't really want to get in trouble. She felt relieved once he scurried off to get the three bullies drinks, however Yeong Bin just started picking on Si Eun after that. He didn't seem phased.

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