15 | Lover by Taylor Swift

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ARTICLE TITLE: Lover by Taylor Swift

DRAFTED TEXT: I love Taylor, but she tends to exaggerate a lot in her songs. Her love songs — I never really related to them. But in these past few weeks, every time I would listen to 'Lover', there is a person who keeps appearing in my mind.

The moment she walked through the classroom doors that Monday morning, she was grabbed by the arms and dragged right back out, straight towards the girls' toilets; they even passed a confused Soo Ho on the way, whom she only managed to wave to before she got shoved through the door.

On Jo raised her phone, Y/n's latest post pulled up on the screen. ''When did that happen?''

All of them had texted her multiple times during the weekend, but between worrying about Soo Ho and his discharge from the hospital, studying and doing her chores on the weekend, she really didn't want to deal with anyone else. Thus, now she stood surrounded by her four friends, each of them looking either excited or skeptical — Ji Hyun was the most skeptical one, really.

''Uhm,'' Y/n looked between all of them, suddenly feeling cornered. ''Nothing really happened yet.''

Before anyone could protest, On Jo lifted her finger and looked down at her phone, tapping a few times before showing it to Y/n again. She was pointing at her caption and Soo Ho's comment right under it. ''That doesn't seem like nothing to me.''

''Okay, okay.'' Y/n couldn't help the grin finding it's place on her face. ''We kinda-sorta confessed, but not really.''

''What does that even mean?'' Eun Hye asked, grabbing Y/n by the shoulder and shaking her. ''You're sending hearts to each other, Y/n!''

''I know, I know!'' Y/n defended. ''He put the heart in the caption, not me. Okay, technically I did at first, but then I deleted it and he saw me, so he told me to put it back.''

The debrief was quick after that, though all girls seemed to swoon at Y/n's story; all except Ji Hyun, but Y/n didn't mind. She wasn't the most expressive person in general. After that they went back to the classroom, where Y/n split from the group to go to the back of the classroom; Soo Ho was already lying on his pink pillow. She wanted to go over to him, see how he was doing, but their homeroom teacher came in, so she had no choice but to rush to her seat.

When lunch rolled around, her four friends started moving towards the cafeteria, though as Y/n tried to follow, Eun Hye held a hand out and arm to stop her. ''Ah, ah! Go have lunch with your boyfriend!''

Y/n's eyes widened and she quickly whisper-yelled. ''Not that loud! And he's not my—''

''Cutie, you wanna eat with us?''

In a way, Y/n wanted to kick Soo Ho for coming right at this moment and using his dumb — not really — nickname in front of her friends. They were never letting her live this down, she would be suffering under their teasing for the rest of eternity simply based on Eun Hye and On Jo's looks.

''Sure.'' She didn't even look at him, grabbing his good arm and dragging him over to where Si Eun and Bum Seok were already walking to the cafeteria.

''Woah, slow down, cutie. What's got you so bothered?'' He asked as he pulled Y/n back a little, making her slow down. She fell into step with him, letting go of his hand; for a second, she thought he would take her hand in his, but their skin simply brushed against each others' a few times.

''My friends are being annoying,'' Y/n said and finally looked up at him. ''How are you feeling?''

''Better. My arm hurts a bit, but I'm fine,'' Soo Ho said and then he finally grabbed her hand in his, playfully swinging them back and forth. ''I told you, don't worry about me, cutie.''

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