22 | Wear Your Fucking Helmet

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ARTICLE TITLE: Wear Your Fucking Helmet

DRAFTED TEXT: Did you know that in South Korea, there are about twenty thousand motorcycle accidents a year? And did you know there are some people out there who cause them just because they're little bitches and can't fight their own battles nor figure out their priorities? (fucking bum seok fuckfuckfcukfcukffifkf)

On Jo and Eun Hye were talking about a new show they'd started watching, trying their best to convince Y/n to join in with them before all the episodes are out. ''I don't have time for that,'' Y/n groaned, letting her head fall back. She definitely did have time, but she simply couldn't be bothered.

''Look, I have this really good edit, I'm sure it'll convince you.'' Eun Hye took her phone out, opening her gallery; must be serious if she has it downloaded, Y/n thought.

However, Y/n's focus quickly shifted away from the edit and towards Bum Seok, who loudly picked up all of his books from his desk and moved to sit in the back with Tae Hoon and Jung Chan. Si Eun followed his actions as well, then turned towards Y/n, the two making eye contact.

''Y/n! You weren't even watching!'' Eun Hye's loud voice made her jump and look back at her friends.

''Sorry.'' There was no playfulness in Y/n's voice like earlier, but she tried her best to give her friends a smile. ''Can you play it again? I got distracted.''

Y/n noticed the look Eun Hye and On Jo shared, but she was glad they didn't ask any questions. Truthfully, they didn't really know anything about the fight with Bum Seok, or any other disputes going on in her other friend group. She never felt the need to share it with them, not really.

Too preoccupied with On Jo and Eun Hye, Y/n hadn't realized when Si Eun and Soo Ho had left the classroom. Once she did notice neither her friend or boyfriend were there, though, she quickly stood up. Did those losers ditch me? I thought we were eating lunch together!

She found them on the way to the cafeteria, the two of them quiet as Soo Ho walked with his hands in his pockets. It was odd, seeing Soo Ho this quiet. Speeding up, Y/n pushed her way between the two, wrapping her arms around each of theirs. ''Why're you two so gloomy?'' She looked at Soo Ho, then Si Eun, then Soo Ho again. ''Did I miss anything?''

''Nothing important, cutie,'' Soo Ho said, cracking a small smile on his lips, one that didn't really reach his eyes. Y/n frowned, but didn't press further. I'm sure he'll tell me later.

The cafeteria was bursting with students, the line stretching out beyond the doors. The three lined up, Y/n talking about how fun Soo Ho's birthday was going to be while Soo Ho complained about still not wanting to celebrate. The line moved gradually and they finally made it inside. Y/n had stopped talking by then, having felt the sudden tension taking over the group.

Soo Ho looked away as he spoke, his words directed to Si Eun. ''Stop worrying about Bum Seok.''

''What?'' Si Eun asked.

''You have done enough,'' Soo Ho said. The three were slowly walking ahead as the line moved.

''I think Bum Seok is behaving that way because he's lonely,'' Si Eun said. ''I don't know for sure, but that's my hunch.''

Y/n's eyes fell down to her shoes for a moment, remembering how Bum Seok told them he was bullied relentlessly. There must've been no one to protect him, no one to care — but they were here now, and Bum Seok decided to throw their friendship away. What does he really want? Y/n'd didn't understand him.


''What are we having for lunch?'' Tae Hoon was loud as he and the bullies entered the cafeteria, Bum Seok in tow, cutting straight to the front.

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