20 | Vapes Are Overrated

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ARTICLE TITLE: Vapes Are Overrated

DRAFTED TEXT: I must admit, I tried a vape before. Cigarettes, too. Neither of them are appealing, not at all. I don't get the hype about it. Besides, not only do they taste bad, they also fuck up your health. Have you seen those videos of fourteen-years-olds in the hospital with lung issues due to vapes? If you haven't, go look it up. Stop before it's too late.

"Do you guys know why you guys are bad at math? You don't know the reason. Without knowing the reason, you blindly memorize the formulas."

Well, he got that right.

The back door opened and Y/n looked up from her notebook, her gaze moving to the sound along with the rest of the classroom — minus Soo Ho, who was snoozing the class away, as usual.

Bum Seok entered the classroom nonchalantly. "Oh Bum Seok, you arrived after the class ended," the teacher pointed out.

"I'm sorry," Bum Seok spoke, though there was no remorse in his voice.

The teacher finished up the class, though Y/n couldn't bring herself to pay attention, not when once Bum Seok passed by her desk, the reek of alcohol and cigarettes filled her nose. Her brows furrowed, her eyes following him as he sat down at his desk next to Si Eun.

She didn't move as she watched Si Eun face Bum Seok. "Bum Seok. Did you drink?"

Bum Seok was hunching over his desk, clutching his head; definitely sporting a hangover.

"Bum Seok, are you okay?" Jung Chan called from the back. Bum Seok turned to them and walked off towards the bullies, not sparing Si Eun a second thought.

When he passed Y/n again, though, there was a quick glance thrown her way, one she would've missed if she wasn't paying extra attention to Bum Seok's behavior. Still, he walked past her and joined Jung Chan and Tae Hoon — who sent Y/n another glare.

Y/n got up at that, quickly moving towards Si Eun as she listened to the three boys taking about whatever they'd done the night before. Once Y/n stood next to Si Eun, the group decided to go smoke and they simply left, as if their interactions were an everyday occurrence.

As the door closed, Y/n looked at Si Eun, only to find him already looking at her. "What the hell was that about?" Y/n asked. Si Eun didn't respond, but his eyes voiced his thoughts enough. No idea.

When they were divided in groups to work on an assignment later, Y/n found she'd been paired with Si Eun and Soo Ho. Y/n got up from her seat and moved to the back. The class was moving around already, so the seat in front of him was empty; she quickly took it.

"Soo Ho," Y/n whispered, not wanting to disturb him more than necessary. He didn't budge. She placed a hand on his shoulder. "Soo Ho, we have to move to another room."

"Mhm, later." Soo Ho said as he caught her hand in his, holding it close along with his little pink pillow, his eyes still closed.

"Dumbass, get up, the teacher will scold you," Y/n said with a sigh.

"You know, I'm waiting for the day you say something like, 'wake up, baby,' or 'please wake up, handsome'." Soo Ho murmured as he finally lifted his head, a cheeky smile on his lips as his tired eyes met hers. "I wouldn't even mind you using cutie, too."

Y/n placed her hands on the sides of his face and leaned a little closer, her voice falling to a whisper. "You won't catch me dead saying something like that. Now, let's go, there's work to do."

She gave him a quick peck on the nose before she got up. As she moved back to her desk, she noticed On Jo staring at her in disgust from the distance, making Y/n chuckle.

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