13 | To Nurse a Concussion, Rest in a Dark Room

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ARTICLE TITLE: To Nurse a Concussion, Rest in a Dark Room

DRAFTED TEXT: I remember falling down from my bike when I was younger and hitting my head really bad on the cement. I had to be rushed to the hospital, and there I was told I had a concussion. I didn't know what that was at the time, but it sounded scary. My mom held my hand the whole time they bandaged my head and instructed me what to do and not to do. My mom isn't here now, though.

Y/n kept her eyes closed, the flickering lights making her headache worse. She sat next to Soo Ho at the edge of the ambulance, her head wrapped in a white bandage — she wasn't really sure how that helped, really — as Soo Ho's arm leaned back on the stretcher behind her. He had a splint around his arm, which had been broken, and a bandage on his cheek. His head was leaned on her shoulder as Si Eun stood in front of them.

''Gosh,'' Soo Ho groaned. ''Ox knee soup. I'm starving. I want ox knee soup.''

''I want a burger. I really want a burger.'' Y/n muttered after, picturing the meal in her head. She opened her eyes and looked at Soo Ho. ''Do you think if we pray hard enough, the food will fall from the sky?''

''We can try,'' Soo Ho said and brought his hands together in a praying motion, closing his eyes.

''What are you, a glutton?'' Si Eun judged.

Soo Ho popped an eye open. ''The thought of ox knee soup crossed my mind and I couldn't just let it slide. With radish kimchi . . . You know, right? Now, don't interrupt my prayer.''

''You guys are here.'' The three looked to the left; Bum Seok arrived, carrying three backpacks on his back.

''What on earth? You're alive,'' Soo Ho gestured to Bum Seok. ''I thought you were dead.''

Y/n furrowed her brows, which made her head hurt more for just a moment. ''Why would he be dead? The police were already there, dumbass.''

Bum Seok nodded. ''After you three went after him, I looked for Si Eun's phone. It took some time to find it.'' Bum Seok handed Y/n her bag first, then Si Eun, along with his phone. ''The screen cracked a little.''

''Thanks,'' Si Eun said.

''I'm surprised your phone is even still working,'' Y/n said, then winced. ''Fucking old bastard.'' She leaned her arms on her knees, then held her head.''

''Yoon Si Eun?'' a man spoke, but Y/n didn't look up. ''Come to the police station with me. I need your statement. I also need a L/n Y/n.''

Y/n looked up at the call of her name. ''I was told I have to go to the hospital.'' She pointed to her bandage. ''Si Eun can speak for both of us. I trust him.'' She wasn't sure how legal that was, but she didn't want to get involved with the police. She was already scared they would call her parents to the hospital and she would get in trouble.

The man looked at her for a moment, then looked at Bum Seok. ''You come, too.''

Once their friends were gone, Soo Ho put an arm around her shoulders. "Guess it's just you and me."

"Unfortunately," Y/n mumbled, her only intent to tease him; if anything, she was glad she was stuck with him out of everyone else.

"Ahn Soo Ho?" both looked up, a first-responder standing in front of them. Soo Ho hummed. "Since your arm was broken, we'll need to take you to the hospital to put a real cast on it. Additionally, as you said you were hit with a metal bat, we need to check your head for any deeper trauma. Do you have any relatives we can call to inform them of where you're going?"

Y/n noticed Soo Ho lick his lips before speaking. "Yeah, my grandmother." He gave them her contact information. "But is it necessary for her to come right now? She's old, I don't want her to get into an accident."

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