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The first 2-3 chapters will be long because it's an intro to the characters. please support me.. saranghe 🤍✨


• There is again heist in Barclays bank of Seoul today, after jewelery shop Graff Seoul, shilla hotel.Heisters got away as usual today.

"Damn it"
Mr. Tauheed slammed his hand into the meeting table. And his other partners Mr.Lee and Mr. Han and Han seojun ,who was sitting with Mr.Tauheed also got tensed after seeing the news.

:: Mr.Taheed kim :- CEO of Graff Seoul shilla hotel, 46 years old man (muslim).

:: Mr. Lee and Mr. Han :- around the same age as Mr. Tauheed partners and friends of Mr. Tauheed.

:: Han seojun :- son of Mr.Han , 27 years old and a civil engineer.

"Uncle this is too much now ,the people of the city are also helpless. We have to do something."
Seojun said while standing. Mr. Tauheed placed his palms on his face after few seconds he removed his hands from his face and said.

"I have no regrets that my company was looted but they also took away my Jasmine."
:: Jasmine :- D/o Mr. Tauheed. 20 years old.
University student.

Here they're talking about 5 heisters who have created panic in the entire city. They do heists in malls, banks and jewelery shops.
And on top of that, they also take the ladies as captives. One of them was Jasmine, she used to work with her father on weekends. And the police also failed to catch them.

"Now I will have to call her and ask her for help."

Mr.Tauheed said and took everyone's attention,everyone got confused as to whom he was talking about then Mr.Lee asked him.

"Whom are you talking about Tauheed?"

Mr. Tauheed replied in a single word. everyone was shocked then Mr.Han joined his eyebrows asked.

"You're crazy how can a girl help us."

"Yes uncle what will she do?"
Seojun also said to Tauheed then Mr. Tauheed looked at all of them then decided to tell about the Kaynaat.

"So lemme tell you about her...she is--- "

:: Kaynaat Kaiser :- CEO of diamond company, Secret detective, 24 years old,
Arabian (Muslim) .

Lemme give you more information about her. She's the female lead of this story.
A year ago her father was killed in a case of providing fake diamonds. Some mean person spread this rumor that Kadeen Kaiser(her father) provides fake diamonds and there are no rules in Arabia like other countries, the punishment for any kind of mistake is death and her mother could not bear the death of her husband and because of that she also died.

:: Kaif Kaiser :- younger brother of Kaynaat, 21 years old, running their diamond business with her sister.

"So how will she help us uncle?"
Seojun said, he still doesn't believe that this will help them.

"As I told you that she is a secret detective,
I know her personally cuz when his father was alive, my company had bought diamonds from him and her mother was also my cousin. she has solved 8 cases in the last 1 year and she detected the culprit and got justice for her father and then she is running her father's business today."

Mr.Tauheed told everything about her as much as he knew. Then Mr. Han said.

"Now this is the last hope but would it be better to involve women? "

"Don't worry, I will talk to her. If she agrees to help, it will be great."


After coming back from work, I freshened up and after doing ablution, I was spreading the prayer mat when my phone rang.But I did not picked up because it was Isha time and salah is my first priority. I offered salah then I took the phone and looked at caller id.

"Oh my Allah! why is Tauheed uncle calling?"

I said to my self then I called him back. He received the call in one ring.

ME:- "Assalamualaikum uncle."

HE:- "Walaikum assalaam my kid."

ME:- "Tell me uncle, how are you and how did you call me?"

HE:- "I'm Alhamdulillah. Kid I want your help will you help me?"

I can assume from his voice that there is something wrong.

ME:- "I would be happy to help you. Tell me what I can do for you."

HE:- "Actually my kid ----- "

He told me all the matter and I was like ya Allah How did it happen with Jasmine?..
I said yes to help them because as a Muslim it is my duty to help those who need me. My Islam teaches that we should help everyone if we have the ability to help, no matter what religion they belong to. I came downstairs and saw that Kaif had also returned from the Masjid and was waiting for me at the dining table.

"Kaif I could only make Chapati and mincemeat today."

"It's okay umu I will eat whatever you made."
(Al-umu is mom in Arabic, he sees me as a mother so he calls me umu from his childhood.)

I came to him and hugged him from behind, I served the food on our plates. Then I sat next to him and before eating we said
'Bismillah wa-aala barqatillah' .We finished our meal in around 15 mins.

"Kaif I want to tell you something."

I said while picking up the plates and placing them in the kitchen sink, he followed me to the kitchen.

"you wait for me in the living room, I will wash the dishes and come back."

"Tell me umu. I'm here to help you in dishes."

I sent him to the living area but he wanted to help me, I did not refuse because I was also tired.

"Ok I'll rub and you'll wash with water."

"Hmm okay tell me now."

"Kaif I am leaving for Korea tomorrow."


"Please listen to me first. tauheed uncle did call me and ---- "

I explained him about Jasmine and everything but he wasn't just resisting that I was going to Korea. He doesn't want me to go to Korea.

"They need my help Kaif."

" Of all the cases you have solved till date, this is the most dangerous one and if something happens to you, how will I survive? So think about me."

There were tears in his eyes, after all he had no one left in the world except me. And Kaif has started taking responsibilities at a very young age.

"Don't say like that my brother, don't forget Allah rabbul ijzat is everywhere. Nothing will happen to me, just take care of business and don't overload yourself."

I kissed his forehead and I held his hand with mine and dragged towards couch. we had washed the dishes. We both sat on the couch and I looked at him and said.

"Tauheed uncle helped us in Baba's case, similarly it's our duty to help him. Tomorrow I will announce in the office that I'm going Korea for some reason cause I can't tell everyone the truth and I can't even lie. Till then my dear brother will take care of the business and I'm sure that he'll also attend salah on time and eat food on time."

He nodded in agreement and I placed a kiss on his palm. I smiled at him and he hugged me, I hugged him back and we headed towards our rooms. I lay down on my bed and devoted before sleeping.
('Allahumma bismika amootu wa ahya .')
(Meaning:- Oh Allah, I live and die in your name. ) Then I fell asleep thinking that tomorrow is going to be a big day.


You are exactly where,

you're supposed to be ..🕸️

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