What the first letter of your name says about you (JOKE)

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If your name starts with a Z, you're weird as shit.


If your name starts with an F, you already know you're that loud fuck that no one likes. You're an attention seeker and will never find a significant other in your life.


If your name starts with a Q, really? A fucking Q? You have no friends. That's all. Do you even exist? I can't believe that you really exist. You're just that invisible.


If your name starts with a V, a V? Look at this stupid fucking letter and tell me that you have friends. No one likes you.


If your name starts with a W, fuck you.


Finally, if your name starts with a Y, please shut the fuck up. No one cares what you have to say.

I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Nothing has been going well today and I decided to take my anger out on the few people these actually apply to.

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