What's in the black box?

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(F/N), keep your eyes open for me. Can you hear me?"

A blurry hand waves over my face as snapping fills my ears. I blink, trying to force my eyes to focus. The hand continues to become more and more blurry as the once-close snapping sound becomes distant.


I force out the words with a gurgle, pushing the last of my energy into reaching up toward the darkening figure. Life forced into my body thrusts me into consciousness. My eyes flew open as I gasped for breath. Flinging my body forward, I clawed at my chest, begging it to inhale. As abruptly as I had returned to conscience, so had my vision, making my head spin.


A masculine voice came from beside me. I whipped my head toward the voice to see who it was. My vision hadn't entirely focused, still leaving black spots everywhere. Looking at the man, all I could see was the outline of his figure and his all-too-familiar long black hair.

Tears filled my eyes, overwhelmed by my emotion. "You-you came for me." I reached out with a shaky hand, stroking his face gently. "You came."

I mumbled, trying to remove the cloud of fog from my mind.

A large, rough hand captured mine, giving a gentle squeeze.

"Of course, I came." A tighter squeeze on my hand "I rushed over to the hospital as soon as I found out."

More confusion rushed through my mind, giving me a pounding headache. Each pound caused my vision to go in and out of the little focus it had. That wasn't Itachi's voice. It was similar, but not his. I yanked my hand back from him, pressing my fingers to my temples, making small circular motions to relieve pressure.


A large, warm hand cupped my inner thigh, gently squeezing it before using his thumb to make small circular motions on the tender flesh. The calluses on his thumb had warmth pooling in my stomach, leaving goosebumps on my skin.

"What's wrong, baby? "Sasuke's calm demeanor faltered briefly, and his onyx eye threatened to let the sea pour from them. He inhaled, Giving my thigh another reassuring squeeze.

"Let me help you. I can get a nurse to give you more pain meds. Baby?" he questioned, putting a (H/C) strand of hair behind my ear.

The word hit me like a brick, causing my consciousness to waver. Had Sasuke just called me 'Baby'? Closing my eyes, I sucked in a breath, trying to gather all my emotions that threatened to boil over. I chewed on my bottom lip, trying to make this cluster fuck all make sense. There must be a logical reason for this. Was I his 'baby'? Is that why my body had reacted to his touch? What was going on?

Opening my eyes, Sasuke sat with a confused look, but the expression quickly shifted from confusion to concern as he realized the impact of his words. "The doctor told me memory loss could happen and to be patient with you." He grumbled to himself, pinching the bridge of his nose. 

 Dropping my head, I covered my face with my hands. Emotions flooded me. I felt like I was drowning, as if I was swimming toward the non-existent ocean surface, desperate for air. Desperate for answers.

'He hadn't come.' The thought popped into my head. 'Did he not care for me? Was everything an act?' The thoughts acted as an anchor, dragging me further and further from the surface. Sasuke reached down, taking me by my chin. He gently pulled my head up, forcing me to make eye contact with him.

"Tell me what is going through that pretty little head."

He said, gently rubbing his thumb under my bottom lip. Sasuke scanned my face, his ebony eye flickering from my lips to my eyes. His tongue jutted out, licking his lips. I swallowed, feeling like my throat had suddenly turned into a dessert. Sasuke moved toward me.

"Thump." My heart pounded in my throat. Sasuke inched even closer. "Thump, thump." I could feel the warmth of his breath against my face. The sweet mint of his toothpaste caused my face to tingle. "Thump, thump, thump. My breath hitched, and my heartbeat filled my ear. Soft lips crashed onto mine. Possessive and wanting. Electricity shot up my spine.

Feeling Sasuke nip at my bottom lip, I moaned, "Mmhhmmm."

He took the opportunity, pushing his tongue into my mouth. Strong arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me onto his lap. His hand slowly made its way up my back, entwining his hand in my hair. He pulled my head back and pressed soft kisses down my jawline mumbling into my skin between kisses before crashing his lips back on mine. His member pulsed, and I jerked back, breaking the kiss.

"Sasuke, I-I.. It-it just happened so quickly, and I-I" I swallowed my words, unsure of what to say. The hunger in his eyes slowly faded, and he nodded, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I understand, too soon," he said, and I forced a small smile.

"It's just jumbled up here," I said, touching right above my brow. The image of me swimming toward the surface flashed in my mind. The desperation to find answers right within my grasp, yet so far away.

My body still hummed from his touch. Was his kiss welcomed? My body sure seemed to think so. I searched for the answers, but my mind was still unwilling to give them to me. Again, the image of me swimming toward the surface. Unable to reach the surface, I see myself gasping for air this time, but instead, I inhale water. I shake the thought away, knowing how it would end. Unfortunately, the only way I could find out anything was to ask him.

"Sasuke, Are we.."

I couldn't finish my sentence. The thought of that word threatened to rip my heart out, but why? What was my mind hiding from me? My head swirled again.

"AHha!" I groaned, pushing at my temples, 'Itachi.' my mind screamed. Warm drops plopped on my hand. Was I crying? 'Itachi.' my brain shouted again. The thoughts are locked in the black box with chains. They claw at the inside of the box, leaving deep groves as they fight to get out. My hands began to tremble, and I dug my nails into my palms, trying to push my anxiety down.

"Sasuke," I try again. "Are-are we- we." Sasuke furrowed his brows. Grasping my hand, he squeezed lightly.

"Are we what?" He asked, searching my eyes for answers. I gulped down my anxiety and forced the words out. Each word felt like someone was stabbing me over and over again. Sharp blades rip at my voice box, trying to stop me from gaining the answers I so desperately seek.

"A-Are we Lovers?" 

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