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Smut warning!!! (Also, my work is a little choppy here, so I might edit later. The artwork is just for a general idea of what I was imaging in my head. I do not take credit for the art work!!!)

The warm aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air as I sat comfortably on the bed, watching (F/N) sleep. She was wrapped snugly in my favorite comforter; she looked peaceful and serene. Her tousled hair was spread out in all directions, adding to her endearing charm. Unable to resist the urge, I gently leaned over and ran my fingers through her hair, feeling the softness of each strand. She stirred slightly, grumbling softly as she rubbed her eyes. Slowly, she opened her eyes and gave me a sleepy smile before snuggling deeper into the comforter and nuzzling closer to me. It was that same sleep smile she gave me all those years ago; I laughed through my nose. Oh, how I wish I could go back to that day. After taking a slow sip from my warm cup of coffee, I carefully placed it on my dresser and leaned back against my sturdy backboard. As I closed my eyes and relaxed, the memory of the day she left came to the front of my mind.


As I trudged my way back to my house, I could feel the weight of confusion and regret settling in my chest. My clothes were caked in mud, and I couldn't help but feel like my soul was too. I clenched and unclenched my fist, trying to control the surge of emotions that threatened to overwhelm me. I knew I had messed up, but the alcohol had blurred the line between right and wrong. At least, that is what I kept feeding myself. Despite my love for (F/N), I could only love her as a friend, nothing more. I wasn't allowed to put myself first, so my desire for her would have to go back to the back burner. I would wash my hands of this mess and hoped she would understand that it was a mistake and that we could move past it. We could go back to being the way things were before, right?

Suddenly, soft, milky arms wrapped around my arm, lacing her fingers into mine. Her warmth seeps through my clothes, but I can't bring myself to look at her. My heart thuds in my chest, and my eyes remain glued to the front of me. I feel her presence, but it's as if I'm not present in the moment. Not wanting to live in her delusion anymore.

"Itachi, oh my goodness, my love," she says, peering up at me with big, doe eyes. "Why are you covered in mud?"

I reply, my voice flat and emotionless, "Izumi." There's no love or passion for her name, just a simple word. She untangles herself from me and steps in front of me, blocking my path.

Uzumi looked at me with a half-smile on her face, trying to gauge my mood. "Itachi, I know that you're probably mad at me for ditching yesterday, but please understand," she pleaded softly, "I really hate studying." Her eyes were full of hope, and she was clearly worried that I was upset with her.

"I'm not upset, Uzumi," I reassured her, my eyes flickering briefly to the side before returning to her face.

She looked relieved at my words, and a smile spread slowly across her face."Good, I was worried," she said, wrapping her arm around my waist and shifting up onto her tiptoes to kiss me. However, I couldn't reciprocate her feelings and felt a sudden urge to pull away from her embrace. The thought of her kiss made me feel nauseous, and my frustration only intensified. It wasn't her embrace I wanted; it wasn't her lips I longed to feel on mine. I was filled with a sense of guilt as I sidestepped her and continued walking towards my house.

"I need to shower," I grumbled, hoping she wouldn't follow, but I was wrong.

"Soo," she gestured to my appearance, her eyes scanning my disheveled clothes and unkempt hair, all caked in mud, "how did, ya know, this happen? I mean. It's very out of character for you, Itachi."

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