Dark waters

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I watch the sunrise reflection on the lake. My muscles burned, and my limbs were exhausted as I stepped into the cool, crisp water, sinking further. Each step causes the water to flow crimson as the dried blood stains wash off my skin and disappear. Until the dark lake consumes and swallows my naked body, but the sting of the water does little to wash away my sins and distract me from the overwhelming feeling in my chest as I think of what I did yesterday. My hands move behind my head, and my back arches as I stretch away the pain. It still didn't compare to the aching in my chest, soul, and mind.

I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose as the sun rises, letting me know my time is up and (f/N) would be upset that I hadn't kept my promise; she would wake up alone in my bed. I knew she would be upset with me, but I couldn't afford to let her see me like this. Covered in the blood of countless men, in all, I killed six yesterday. I sigh, pushing my sticky, hardened hair back; my forehead scrunched, the tiredness etched deep on my face. I didn't understand why so many were willing to die for information. Why were they so adamant about following their leader into the grave?

I wish I could say they died quickly and painlessly, but that would be a lie. I wish it hadn't been that way, but the men were stubborn, so I had to take extreme measures. The screams replayed over and over in my mind, echoing with a loud ringing in my ears. The images flashed incessantly, tormenting and mocking me. It wasn't anything new, though. Killing had always been part of the job, and each one had their reasons. Mine was to find my brother and finally end his life.

The first was an old acquaintance of Itachi, his friend, a fellow ANBU. I needed to find where Itachi could be located. I knew the ANBU member would know what was happening to the village, and his trust in me would be his downfall. All I cared about was finding Itachi. The longer it took, the angrier I became, to the point that the questions came out angry and short. His cries only became louder, his whimpers more desperate, and I could no longer endure the whining.

The next was one of Orochimaru's spies. He was adamant that his leader would avenge him, so I had to break a finger at a time until he finally conceded, or at least he believed I'd believe his words. Though my gut screamed to be cautious and doubtful of his intel, I wanted to believe his words. I remember his cries the most, how he screamed when I removed his hand in a swift movement, and the blood stained his shirt and drenched his pants and the floor; it had even sprayed across my face and chest. The blood had dried and hardened my hair and body, making it appear black or rusty red.

I did this four more times; my kill count stopped at six, simply because the sixth one was the one to break and give me all the information I needed.

"Please...no more." The spy sobbed, holding his handless arm, "I'll tell you whatever you want. Just let me go."

I smiled and stood up from the chair, the only piece of furniture in the room. I crouched in front of the man, who was tied to a chair. Blood was pooled under his seat. It had been a day since the interrogation began. I placed a hand on his cheek, which he flinched away from. I didn't react. Instead, I moved my hand to his shoulder and gently gripped it, giving him a small squeeze."Good boy," I cooed. Now, tell me, do you know of a Uchiha who goes by the name Itachi?"

They were a necessary sacrifice, bringing me one step closer to discovering Itachi's whereabouts. The thought scared me; I was willing to sacrifice everything to be able to kill. I had almost even sacrificed her.


I heard her scream, her desperate plea for help."Sasuke, where are you! Help." The sound was faint and distant, but it was the best news I could have received. With a new sense of purpose, I set out, tracking her, as my own adrenaline started to course through my veins. I could hear my heartbeat, and the air seemed heavy, as if it would never get thinner. Every step was filled with uncertainty, and the doubt I knew plagued my mind. As I made my way closer, the terrain seemed to grow steeper. The air had grown thicker and hotter, making it hard to breathe. The temperature was becoming unbearable, and I was unsure if I had heard her. Still, it was the only thing that could have given me the motivation to carry on and not go crazy.

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