It's just a nightmare.

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"Sasuke!" The sound of a voice calling my name startled me awake. I rubbed my eyes and groaned, feeling irritated as I glanced at the clock on my nightstand, which read 5 am. The voice calling my name sounded familiar, but I couldn't quite place it. As I tried to shake off the sleepiness, I heard the voice calling my name again, "SASUKE!!" My head jerked in the direction of the voice. The voice calling my name sounded familiar, and my heart dropped. "Sasuke!" Another succession of rapid knocks landed on my door. Impossible, it couldn't be her. I couldn't believe it - it couldn't be her, but the voice was unmistakable. My hands shook as I tightly clutched onto my comforter, trying to steady my nerves. (F/N) knocked loudly on my front door, calling out my name again.

The sound of jingling keys echoed through the stillness, accompanied by a tone of impatience and irritation. "Uchiha, Sasuke, you better not be asleep in there," she said. As the lock on my door clicked open, my heart began to race with anticipation. I quickly ripped off my covers and stumbled out of bed, nearly losing my balance. I rushed towards the entrance of my bedroom, eager to see who had entered.

As the front door creaked open, (F/n) walked in, her brown eyes locking onto mine as she approached me. A frown crept onto her face as she tossed the keys onto the countertop before crossing her arms over her chest. Time seemed to stand still as my mind reeled with a flurry of emotions. I hesitated to move, unsure what to do or say, afraid that if I took another step, she would disappear, and I would wake from this dream. The air was thick with tension, and I could feel my heart pounding as I searched for the right words, my palms sweating and my throat dry.

As she spoke my name, "Sasuke," a rush of emotions overwhelmed me, and my heart began to pound in my chest. Her voice faded into the background as I closed the distance between us, taking in every detail of her appearance. When I finally reached her, I wrapped my arms around her waist, feeling her warmth and softness against me. It had been forever since I had held her like this, and I felt a sense of comfort and familiarity that I had been missing.

"(F/N), " I pulled her closer to me, mumbling into her hair, "Is it really you?' My body shook with adrenaline, and tears welled in my eyes.

She giggled softly, confused by my intense reaction." Of course, it's me, silly," she grumbled in my chest before gently pulling back from the embrace to make eye contact.

"What is going on with you?" she asked, furrowing her brows and pressing the back of her hand against my forehead. It seemed like she thought I was delusional or perhaps suffering from a fever.

I grasped her petite hand that she had placed on my forehead and brought them to my lips. Tenderly, I pressed a soft kiss on the tips of her fingers, causing her cheeks to flush a bright shade of pink. She seemed caught off guard by my sudden display of affection.

"Sasuke," she squeaked, trying to pull her hand back, but I held firm on my grip, bringing her palm to the side of my face and sighing at the softness of her hand.

"W-what is going on?" she questioned as she looked at me, perplexed and anxious. Her eyes searched mine, seeking an answer to the unknown situation that had unfolded before her. As she tried to make sense of it all, her hand moved up to my face, and her thumb gently traced my jawline with a feather-like touch. Her eyes burned with a soft intensity that seemed to penetrate my soul. Her finger then traced up my jaw and threaded into the side of my hair, her touch so tender that it left me wondering about her thoughts. The gesture felt intimate as if she was trying to convey a sense of calm amidst the chaos without saying a word. I surrendered to her touch, allowing myself to relax and embrace her.

Over seven long and grueling months, I had struggled to accept her being gone. The aftermath of her leaving had left me feeling raw and exposed, as though I had lost a part of myself that I could never get back. The pain of that loss was almost too much to bear, and my soul ached with the weight of it. In an effort to protect myself from future hurt, I had retreated into a state of emotional detachment, becoming cold and distant. This once warm and empathetic person had transformed into someone almost unrecognizable - ruthless, unyielding, and unfeeling.

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