The things we do for love.

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My brows shot to the top of my head. "W-what do you mean?" I questioned incredulously, chewing on my bottom lip.

Don't make me repeat myself." Was all he said before disappearing down the hall. 

Sighing, I made my way to Itachi's room. My heart raced as I stood in front of Itachi's bedroom door, my hand trembling as I knocked softly. The sound echoed through the quiet hallway, and I waited anxiously for a response, hoping this was all a big misunderstanding.

"Come in," Itachi's voice called out from inside the room.

 I took a deep breath and turned the doorknob, pushing the door open slowly. As I stepped inside, I saw Itachi sifting through his dresser, his back facing me.

 "Hey," I said softly, closing the door behind me. Itachi didn't turn around, nor did he acknowledge my presence. Instead, he remained silent, his eyes fixed on going through his dresser.

Itachi hasn't shown any interest in me or my welfare. Did he want sex? My stomach dropped. Oh god, did he want sex? I took a step closer, my brows furrowed in confusion. "What's going on?" I asked, my voice wavering slightly.

 Itachi finally turned around, his expression cold and distant. "Here." He said, shoving his hand with a shirt in it toward my direction.

Walking towards Itachi, I looked around the room and saw a new blanket and sheets on his bed. The sight made me wonder if I stank so bad that he had to change the bedding. However, before I could voice my thoughts, Itachi spoke up, "Don't worry, it's only temporary. We'll get you some fresh clothes when things cool down."

He then casually tossed the shirt at me as if it were the most natural thing in the world. "Now go shower." He said, pointing to his bathroom.

Nodding, I mindlessly shuffled toward the shower, shutting and locking the door. I could hear his deep, sexy chuckle. What was so funny? I growled, annoyed with myself. The real question was, what was going on with me? I was crumbling at the seams. Healing him, feeling guilty for telling him that I slept with Sasuke, thinking he was sexy. uhhhh I internally sighed.

Reaching the shower, I flipped the hot water on and peeled off my clothes. I checked the water temperature and decided it was hot enough. Letting the water hit my skin, I moaned in bliss, how I missed the shower. The water poured over my head as the soothing heat coaxed my eyes closed, and the image of Itachi's face popped into my mind. My eyes shot open as I stumbled back slightly, caught off guard by my thoughts.

What the hell was going on? It must have been the exhaustion, yes, of course, the exhaustion, I thought. Rubbing my face, my fingers slipped into my scalp, pulling at my roots before dragging them back down my face, letting my palm rest on my throat and my fingertips on my chin. Get it together, I thought while rolling my eyes at myself. Snatching the only shampoo bottle off the shelf, I squeezed the cool liquid into my hand and slathered myself in.

I stood under the warm stream of water and let it wash away the grime and sweat of the day. As I lathered up my body with soap, I scrubbed rigorously, paying attention to every inch of my skin until it turned red with the effort. I felt a sense of satisfaction as I rinsed off the soap suds, watching them flow down my body and disappear down the drain.

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