Family Reunion

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Itachi POV

All the pain I had felt suddenly left, and this overwhelming bright light filled my eyes, forcing me to close them. Within seconds of squeezing my eyes shut, I felt her body drop onto me.


I uttered a soft call, and she responded with a gentle moan, snuggling closer into my chest. I slowly opened my eyes, and to my surprise, the room was crystal clear, and I could see everything around me. Tears streamed down my face as I tried to take in my surroundings. I looked down, and there she was (F/N), sitting beside me with her head resting on my chest. Her luscious raven hair cascaded down my body and sprawled wildly across me. I blinked a few more times, trying to take in her breathtaking beauty, and I couldn't help but notice how much more stunning she had become since the last time we saw each other. Her skin glowed with a radiant warmth, and her lips were soft and inviting, beckoning me to lean in for a kiss. I felt my heart fill with love and adoration for this beautiful woman beside me. It was then that I realized I was fucked- she had effortlessly weaved her way back into my heart, but the truth was that she had never really left.

I sighed, rubbing my hands over my face; this was a problem, a big problem. I had stayed strong all this time, and I couldn't let her change that within hours of being near her again. The even bigger kicker was how the fuck was she able to give me back my health?


I called out her name again; the silence around us was deafening. Her petite frame lay motionless; her shallow breaths were the only sign of life. Sitting up, I carefully lifted her head, revealing her beautiful features. Her long black hair cascaded down, framing her heart-shaped face and giving her an alluring and exotic appearance. Her face was covered in dirt, and her pouty lips were tinged red from her own blood. Taking a deep breath, I gently lifted her up and placed her on my bed, where she let out a soft moan before snuggling into my lingering warmth.

As I sat there in my dimly lit room, I brought a chair to watch her closely. Watching her sleep, I couldn't help but feel conflicted. She had saved my life, and for that, I was eternally grateful. But at the same time, I couldn't let her get too close. I had a mission to complete, and nothing could stand in my way, not even her.

For the past few days, I had been struggling with my emotions. On the one hand, I was overjoyed to be alive and to have my vision back. But on the other hand, I was filled with guilt and sadness about what I had to do next. I had to betray (F/N) trust and keep her at arm's length to ensure that my plan could succeed.

As the days passed, I found myself becoming more and more obsessed with her. I would wake up throughout the night to make sure she was still breathing, and I would sit in a chair by her bedside, watching her every move. But despite my constant vigilance, she never seemed to suspect a thing.

Eventually, she began to stir, and I knew it was time to put my plan into action. I would have to leave her behind and continue on with my mission, no matter how much it hurt. I took one last look at her sleeping form, whispered a silent apology, and left the room.


I woke up a couple hours later, lying in Itachi's bed. Yet he was nowhere to be found. The memories of what happened came flooding back. This sickness was bad, really bad. It was so bad that Itachi's major organs were shutting down, and he was going blind. I sat up slowly, pulling the covers to my chest. I was still exhausted from healing him. I had focused all my energy into his major organs, healing them as much as my strength would allow. Sucking in a breath, the scent of wood mixed with sandalwood filled my nose. It was sweet yet masculine. I pulled the covers closer, pushing my nose into the fabric. I enjoyed the smell; it was so familiar and comforting. Then it hit me. This is Itachi's bed, so it is his scent. The thought made my stomach turn into knots, bile filling my throat. Pushing the covers off, I tried to stand but was too weak.

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