043. ... a thousand words

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Bedelia is sitting at her desk while Spencer is at his and Derek is sitting on Emily's desk with her standing next to him.

"Hey, have a good weekend, JJ." Emily says as the blonde walks over.

"Sorry." JJ winces, holding up a file.

"Oh, come on." Bedelia whines. "Come on, aren't these psychos all bored by now?"

"There goes my beach house rental." Derek says.

"And my non-refundable sin to win weekend in Atlantic City." Emily says.

"Sin to win?" Derek asks.

"Yeah. And I always win big." Emily says, making her way to the round table room.

"I didn't have any plans." Spencer says, smiling.


They pull up to where the guy committed suicide and get out of the SUVs.

"Ugh, this heat is brutal." Derek says.

"You know, it isn't so much the heat as it is the humidity." Spencer says.

"At some point it doesn't matter how you look at it. It all sucks." Derek says.

"FBI?" A man asks.

"Yes, sir." Hotch says.

"Hi. John Barton, Tallahassee PD." He shakes Hotch's hand. "I'm the primary on the missing girl, Rebecca Daniels. I got my files in the car if you need them."

"I'm Agent Hotchner. This is Agent Rossi, Agent Prentiss, Dr. Reid, Agent Morgan, Agent Davis, Agent Jareau."

"Yeah. We spoke on the phone." JJ says, shaking John's hand.

"Yeah, hey, thanks a lot for coming out so quickly. I appreciate it." John says. "I've also considered that all the women are victims from around the southeast -- Florida, Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama."

"And Rebecca's the only woman on the wall who's not represented on his body?" Hotch asks.

"Yeah, she's the only one." John says. "Hope you have a strong stomach." He says before leading them inside.

They go inside, Bedelia grimacing at the smell and she covers her nose.

"Reid's weak nose senses still aren't working." Emily whispers to Bedelia who laughs and nods.

Some of the others already inside hand out gloves for them to use and Bedelia puts hers on.

"The chair was turned like that? This is exactly where you found him?" Hotch asks.

"Yeah." John nods.

"Talk about staging." Derek says.

"Talk about ego." Emily says.

"Hey, there's also a couple boxes with journals or composition books. They're filled with writing." John says. "We haven't been through them yet, other than to dust for prints. We're working on it. Uh, we got a rush on the DNA and the prints. He's cleared locally, but it's gonna take some time to get the national records."

"What about property records?" Emily asks.

"Uh, talked to the owner. She said she rented it a couple weeks ago to a quiet, normal looking guy named Bob. He said he wanted to store some equipment." John says. "And he paid in cash."

"They're always normal." Rossi says.

"No lease?" Emily asks.

"Uh, month to month, no. Out here in the boonies you don't get a lot of, uh, record keeping types." John says.

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