058. today i do

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"Good morning." Rossi greets as he walks into the conference room, only Emily and Spencer in there, as the others follow him.

"Let's get started." Hotch says.

"Hey. Thank you all for coming as time is of the essence." Penelope states. "Okay. Molly Grandin, 25 years old, she's been missing approximately 24 hours. Her car was abandoned in a strip mall parking lot."

"Syracuse police chief just called me to tell me that 4 months ago another woman, Gail Langston, also 25, went missing." Hotch says.

"Gail's body washed up 3 days later in Onondaga Lake. She'd been held captive, her hands and feet were smashed, and then she was stabbed to death." Penelope says.

"Her car was found in the same parking lot as Molly Grandin's." Hotch states.

"Other than abandoned cars, what makes them think it's the same offender?" Emily asks.

"Both women packed a bag with enough clothes and toiletries to last them for the weekend, and in both cases, the bags were found in the car along with their purses and cell phones." Penelope says.

"If the unsub is sticking to the same M.O., then Molly only has 36 hours left." Spencer says.

"Let's go." Derek says.

"The plane awaits." Penelope says.


Bedelia and Emily get to the police station after checking out Molly's place.

"So, neighbors did see a woman coming and going from Molly's apartment over the last few months, but nobody saw her close enough to get a sketch." Emily informs.

"And no one met her?" Spencer asks.

"No, the best description we got was white female, mid 20s, light brown hair, plain." Bedelia says.

"Molly never mentioned a roommate to her father or her coworkers." Hotch says.

"Lyle didn't know, either." Rossi says.

"Is he still here?" Ashley asks.

"We couldn't charge him, so his lawyer walked him out." Rossi says.

"All right, so we need to start over, go back over both Gail and Molly's cases and look at everything from the perspective of a female unsub." Derek says.

"I'll bring in Gail's family and ask about the women in her life." Rossi says.

"Prentiss, Davis, you two and Seaver go back over to Molly's apartment. Find out what else she's hiding." Hotch says.


"Garcia, both families released their daughters' medical records. Have you gotten access to those yet?" Emily asks.

"Yes. Both women went to the same hospital but for different programs and at different times." Penelope says.

"Maybe the unsub works at the hospital?" Ashley suggests.

"Even if she conned her way into a job, I doubt she'd last long enough to get close to patient files." Bedelia says.

"We were off on our profile. She doesn't find her victims by chance like we thought, she hunts them." Spencer says.

"Garcia, does Syracuse General keep their surveillance footage of the entrances and exits?" Emily asks.

"Oh, in this age of black market pharmaceutical drug trade, you betcha. I can get you that." She says.

Emily's phone rings and she looks at it.

"Excuse me." She walks off.


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