048. jj

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Emily is sitting at her desk and Spencer is sitting on her desk. Bedelia is standing next to Spencer, the three staring at Hotch's office.

"JJ's still in there?" Penelope asks, walking up.

"And Strauss." Emily nods as Spencer picks up a bottle of antacid tablets. "Oh, again with the dairy?"

"I can't help it. I love dairy." Spencer says.

"It's been, like, what, 20 minutes?" Penelope asks.

"Well, 10 more minutes, we're in the air." Derek says.

"I don't think it's about the case." Emily says.

"Do you know something?" Penelope asks her.

"Do I know something?" Emily asks.

"She just repeated the question. You always say that's a sign." Penelope says.

"Do you know why JJ's in there?" Derek asks.

"I have no idea." Emily says.

"What is going on?" Penelope wonders.

"Maybe she asked for a raise." Spencer says.

Bedelia and Emily both give him weird looks which he doesn't see since he's still staring at the office.

"Have his blinds ever been closed?" Penelope asks.

After a few minutes, JJ walks out of the office. The others attempt to look busy, Bedelia ducking her head down, staring at the floor.


They're on the jet and Bedelia is sitting on the couch. JJ is in the bathroom and Spencer gets up. Bedelia frowns when she notices him wince.

"Hey." She grabs his wrist, stopping him. "You okay?" She quietly asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, no, I'm fine." He says, walking over to the bathroom and knocking on the door. JJ returns to her seat and Spencer goes in the bathroom.

"Hey." Emily greets.

"Hey." JJ says. She looks between her, Bedelia, and Derek who are all giving her looks. "I got this offer from the Pentagon. I turned it down twice. I never told Hotch or Strauss."

"And now Strauss wants you to take it." Emily says.

"Well, of course she does. It'll make her look good if you get promoted." Derek says.

"I don't trust her for a second." JJ says.

"You shouldn't. What does Hotch think?" Emily asks.

"He knows I don't want to go." JJ says.

"Well, then you won't." Emily says.

"Penelope's pretty freaked out, huh?" JJ asks as Spencer makes his way back over. Bedelia watches him, her gut telling her something's wrong. Spencer doesn't seem to notice her, just sitting down and picking the file up again.

"You have to ask?" Derek asks.

"Okay, let's review." Hotch says, sitting next to Bedelia and Rossi sits on the arm of the couch.

"Okay. Kate Joyce, 19 years old, was last seen leaving a bar with these two men, Sydney Pearson and James Barrett, both 20 years old. She was reported missing the next morning when she didn't meet her friends. That was almost 3 days ago." JJ says.

"Their story is they dropped Kate at the motel, but there were no cameras to confirm that." Rossi says.

"And search and rescue's been all over the island." Hotch says.

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