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"The director's behind closed doors with the undersecretary of arms control and international security affairs." Derek says. "Hotch is on his way to the state department to get some answers."

"We found JJ's cell phone, but there wasn't any sign of her." Spencer tells Rossi and Blake as the two walk out of the elevator.

"Cruz is missing, too." Rossi says. "His car is still in the garage, but mail and newspapers suggest that he's been gone at least 24 hours." They all go to the round table room.

"I'm trying." Penelope tells them as they walk in. "I'm trying-- I'm trying to pull data off of JJ's phone, but it's like level 9 security. It would make Snowden weep."

"What about cell phone records?" Blake asks.

"Encrypted. JJ's and Cruz's." Penelope says.

"That's not surprising if they worked for the state department." Rossi says.

"But if that assignment was a backstop, then JJ's transfer as D.O.D. liaison was her cover." Derek says.

"So what was she really doing that year?" Spencer questions.

"That's the first thing Hotch is gonna ask." Derek says. "Strauss was pressured by the executive branch to push JJ's transfer through in 2010, so she would have known the reason why."

"Any assignment Strauss authorized would be archived in the SCIF." Spencer says.

"That facility is code word classified." Penelope says.

"Okay, but Anderson can get you in." Derek says. "He archives those reports. Blake, Rossi, JJ couldn't have used the SCIF without drawing attention. She probably has it foxholed right here in the BAU. We just need to find it."

"What are you not telling us?" Blake asks him.

"Whoever took Cruz and JJ is highly trained and highly organized. Justice, defense, and state -- they wouldn't be on edge like this if this was a simple matter of two missing agents." Derek says.

"Is Hotch worried that the recovery won't be made a priority?" Rossi asks.

"It's our job to find the leverage that assures it is." Derek says. "Let's get it done."


Spencer opens the door and the three walk into the white room.

"Most of the files are kept on hard copy to prevent digital espionage." Spencer says.

"Okay. Good thing one of us reads 20,000 words per minutes." Penelope says, going over to the computer that's in the middle of the room. "Time to get my spy face on."

Spencer unlocks one of the cabinets.

"Yeah, and I'll just... do what I can." Bedelia mutters.

~ ~ ~

""Integrity."" Spencer reads the text.

"Okay, I can see and hear the wheels turning. Spence?" Bedelia calls.

"Cross reference keyword "integrity" against Middle East operations dating back to 2010." Spencer tells Penelope. "Focus specifically on military action taken against Osama Bin Laden and/or Al-Qaeda."

"Now we're talkin'." Penelope says. "Whoa."

"What did you find?" Spencer asks as he and Bedelia walk over.

"A ghost file in a ghost folder on a ghost server that nobody wants me to know about." Penelope says. "Watch me resurrect some gigabytes."

"Guys." Penelope calls. The two look at the computer and see the photo she found.

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