049. remembrance of things past

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Emily, Bedelia, and Spencer walk into the conference room where Derek already is.

"Is that Ellie again?" Emily asks after hearing Derek's phone beep.

"She texts me every morning on her way to school." Derek says.

"How's she doing?" Spencer asks.

"Well, she's already got herself a BFF named Jill, and she thinks she wants to play soccer." Derek says.

"She's adjusting. That's good." Emily says.

"Bristol, Virginia." Hotch walks in. "The body of a 25 year old Jenny Delilly was found yesterday." He hands the files out. "She had been tortured, sodomized, and electrocuted before being forced to make a goodbye call to her parents. Her body was then dumped off Elden Street."

"A week ago, the body of Kara Kirkland was found in the same area having suffered identical injuries."

"This reminds me of The Butcher case." Derek says.

"Why does that name sound so familiar?" Emily asks.

"The Butcher was a sexual sadist that killed 20 women in the same area of Virginia from 1984 to 1993 and then vanished. He tortured blonde women in their 20s that lived in or near Bristol." Spencer explains.

"That was one of Rossi's old cases, wasn't it?" Emily asks.

"Yes." Hotch nods.

"Does he know?" Derek asks.

They all turn as Rossi walks in and he's carrying a box.

"Some vacation." Emily comments. "Did you get any sun?"

"I never got any anything." Rossi says.

"Do you think The Butcher's back?" Bedelia asks.

"I doubt it. We profiled him as a white male in his late 40s back then. He'd be in his 70s by now." Rossi says.

"Didn't you almost catch him?" Derek asks.

"In the spring '93, we narrowed the geographical profile. We alerted every blonde in their mid-20s in Bristol and the surrounding counties. The pressure got so intense, the killings just stopped." Rossi says.

"Well, the Copelands killed into their 70s. This could be him coming back." Spencer says.

"It's probably a copycat." Hotch says. "If he's emulating The Butcher, he could just be getting started."


"All right, let's go over victimology." Hotch says, sitting down across from Bedelia.

"Both Jenny Delilly and Kara Kirkman were single professional women." Spencer says. "Jenny had just gotten a job as a web designer, and Kara worked for a nonprofit."

"Each woman was taking from a populated area with no witnesses. Jenny from a crowded drugstore parking lot, Kara from the back patio of a ground floor apartment when her roommate went inside to answer the phone." Emily says.

"Why not take the roommate?" Derek asks.

"She's brunette. He prefers blondes." Rossi says.

"These vics were forced to make phone calls. Jenny left a message, and Kara spoke with her fiancé." Bedelia says.

"Garcia, were you able to trace the calls?" Hotch asks.

"My pretties, they're using disposable cells, so I'm coming up empty." Penelope says.

"We do have a timeline, though. According to the M.E.'s report, both victims were dead for about 3 hours before they were found, which means based upon the times of their messages, they endured 5 additional hours of torture after making their goodbye calls." Derek says.

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