120. rabid

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Bedelia stands on the edge of the track, watching Penelope and Spencer slowly run up. She's holding Theodora, the baby's head resting on her mom's shoulder. Penelope gets there first, Spencer trailing behind a few moments later.

"Yay, daddy!" Bedelia cheers in a light voice, gently bouncing Theodora a bit as Spencer passes them. Theodora babbles.

"8:49." Penelope says. "Good God, that's not even close." She pants. "Why does it have to be such a fast mile? Have you ever even had to run a mile in the field?"

"No." Spencer says, breathing heavily, groaning. His hands are on his knees as he tries to catch his breath. Bedelia smiles in amusement at the lack of athleticism -- and lack of knowing they can waive the fit test.

"I'm not even in the field." Penelope says, stretching. "I sit at a computer on my perfect posterior, like, all day."

"Maybe we should ask Morgan for help." Spencer pants.

"No." Penelope immediately shoots down.

"But he has really good abs." Spencer says.

"Yes, he does." Penelope agrees. "But it's bad enough some bureaucrat is making us take this stupid test. The last thing we need is Mr. Universe talking smack the whole time."

"But he knows about all this stuff. He can probably, like." Spencer pants. "Teach us some tricks, help us train." He stretches, losing his balance after a moment.

"Yes, but he takes it way too seriously." Penelope says. "I worked out with him once."

"You work out? That's cool." Spencer says.

"Yeah." Penelope says.

"I don't." Spencer says and Bedelia quietly laughs.

"In a non-traditional manner and never again with him." Penelope says. "He was all, "There you go, baby girl. Move it or lose it. This ain't your high tech room. My grandmama can move better than that."" She mocks.

"He can be enthusiastic at times." Spencer says, still breathing heavily.

"That's a way of saying it." Penelope says. "But, no, me and you, we can do this." She starts to jog in place. "Me and you, we got it. A couple more laps."

"We got this. We got it." Spencer says, both jogging in place.

"Okay? Here we go." Penelope says. "1!"



"2. Let's do it."

Penelope's phone beeps and she stops jogging to look at it. "Hallelujah." She shows Spencer the phone.

"What? We have a case?" He asks.

"Yep." She nods.

"Thank God." He breathes heavily.

"Race you to the bleachers." Penelope starts to run to the bleachers. "We don't need him!"

"Spence?" Bedelia asks, actually starting to get a little concerned.

"I'm just gonna have a heart attack really quick." Spencer pants.

"You okay, baby?" Bedelia asks.

"Okay." He wheezes. "All right."

"Come on." Penelope calls.

Theodora whines, reaching an arm out for her dad.

"Oh, baby, he's all sweaty." Bedelia says.

"I can't hold her." Spencer says, still panting. "I will most definitely drop her. Do not give her to me."

"Understood." Bedelia says, getting her phone out to call Eliza.

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