101. the replicator

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"Strauss isn't answering." Rossi says.

"Keep trying. Reid, any luck with Blake?" Hotch asks.

"Not yet." He says.

"The pictures of you were taken outside of Beth's apartment. I get it if you want to stay with them until we find him." Rossi says.

"I've got agents surrounding Beth's building. She and Jack are safer without me, since we're the targets." Hotch says.

"Blake. We'll pick you up in a few minutes. The Replicator's back." Spencer says.


They're at the hotel and all meet up in the hallway, aside from Rossi.

"Strauss is missing." Hotch states. "Blake, you, Reid, and Davis talk to hotel security. We need access points and footage from every camera. Morgan, back up Dave on the roof. JJ, take the west staircase, I'll take the east."


They're outside and where Strauss died, the medics and cops there.

"We've got an APB, but the description of The Replicator is too general." JJ says.

"He wiped out all of the hotel security cameras." Spencer says. "ATM and traffic cameras were compromised also. Which means he hacked into at least two dozen systems."

"Well, he got into Garcia's place, which means he can get in anywhere. This guy's bragging." Derek says.

"He also wants us to know he can take massive risks and still get away with it." Spencer says. "It's probably why he took Strauss into a crowd of people."

"That and to humiliate her publicly." JJ says.

"But he called Hotch from her phone." Blake says. "It was important to him that we find her alive."

"The director wants this contained and solved." Hotch states.

"Well, at least he's not taking us off the case." Derek says.

"He's given us 24 hours and then he will." Hotch says. He walks over to where Rossi is standing by Strauss' covered body.


"He knew about Foyet?" JJ asks as they get off the elevator.

"Who's that?" Blake asks.

"He's the man who killed my wife." Hotch states.

"That's a classified case that's not in any database." Derek says.

"Then how would he know about it?" Blake asks.

"If he had access to the file, we're talking about someone on the inside." Spencer says.

"Conference room in 5." Hotch orders.


"Garcia, is this everything?" Hotch asks, walking into the room.

"Yeah. The Replicator stuff is here, and the team stuff is there and there." She says. "How's Rossi?"

"Not good." Derek says.

"Is he with Strauss?" Penelope asks.

"Yeah." Derek nods.

"Ok. Uh-- uh, I-I-I started with the question you asked -- why attack Strauss, and on this day?" Penelope says.

"The most obvious answer is that it's an anniversary of some sort." Spencer says.

"But there's nothing historically relevant." Penelope says.

"It could be the smallest thing. Concentrate on New York. If the date's that important, the setting could be, too." Spencer says.

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