Black Friday

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At the secret Decepticon earth base in the mines, Megatron called out his Decepticon followers to give them their newest mission. Megatron: "I want you to find the Constructicons, as I need them to complete my space bridge." Lugnut: "Yes my lord, we shall bring them back here no matter what it takes." Icy Blitzwing: "That could be challenging with the chances of the Autobots interfering." Blackarachnia: "I already thought of an idea to take care of that." Starscream: "And what might that be?" Blackarachnia: "Oh... just an idea that involves a certain island at Lake Erie." said the female spider Decepticon, with an evil grin on her face. Elsewhere, at the Autobot earth base, it was late at night when the Autobots were watching the news, which surprised them to see Grimlock walking down the streets in his dino mode. Bumblebee: "What's one of the Dinobots doing here?" Optimus Prime: "Not sure, but I know one way to find out, Bumblebee, you along with Prowl, Sari and Daniel come with me, the rest of you try to keep the citizens away from danger, transform and roll out!" so they went into vehicle mode, while Daniel goes into Bumblebee, and roll out, or fly out in Sari's case, to where Grimlock was. Soon, the Autobots went to see that Grimlock was right in front of them, and Sari transformed to robot mode, hoping that Grimlock will stop once he sees her. Grimlock: "Me Grimlock happy to see little lady bot!" Sari: "While I'm glad to hear you say that, but may I ask why you are here?" Grimlock: "Me Grimlock need help, Spider lady invade island again!" Bumblebee: "Blackarachnia?, I thought she learned not to mess with ya the last time." Grimlock: "Me Grimlock thought that too, but spider lady came back and got other Dinobots." Sari: "Don't worry big guy, we'll save your friends." Ratchet: "Are you sure kid?" Sari: "Oh come on, the Dinobots aren't really bad, and it's an Autobot's duty to protect life." Prowl: "Very true, and the sooner we get Grimlock back to the island, the better." so they went off to Dinobot island, looking for Blackarachnia and the other Dinobots. Suddenly, they heard some rustling in the bushes, and out of the bushes came Sentinel Prime himself. Optimus Prime: "Sentinel?, what are you doing here?" Sentinel Prime: "I should be asking you that, why aren't you looking for the AllSpark fragments like the rest of us?" Optimus Prime: "We've been through this, we had to repair the damage on the city from our battle with the Decepticons, and as for why we're here... it's complicated..." suddenly, they heard a scream that sounded like Bumblebee, they turned around and see that the yellow Autobot was gone. Sari: "Bumblebee!" Bulkhead: "Little buddy?!, where did you go?!" that was when they looked up and see a giant spider web that had Bumblebee stuck on the center of it. It was not long before they see Blackarachnia in front of them, while the other two Dinobots were laying on the ground behind her. Blackarachnia: "As you might already tell, I've already gave them a good extra does of my venom, and if I don't give them this antidote in two mega cycles, they'll go offline... permanently!" said the spider Decepticon, while holding a small gun shaped injector. Optimus Prime: "Give them the antidote... now!" Blackarachnia: "If you want it, you and Grimlock have to do a small favor for me." Sari: "What might that be?" Blackarachnia: "Oh nothing much really, just locate the Constructicons for me and I'll give the antidote to you." Ratchet: "What do you need them for?" Blackarachnia: "That's a secret, do you want to save these bots or not?" Optimus Prime: "Fine, but the others will remain here to keep an eye on you." Blackarachnia: "Don't you trust me?, after all, we used to be friends back in the Autobot academy." Sentinel Prime: "What are you talking about?, I never saw you before back in those days, and there's no way I would have been friends with a Decepticon like you." Blackarachnia: "Sentinel... it's been a while since I saw you... probably back on that planet with the giant spiders..." said Blackarachnia, which Sentinel Prime widen his eyes and gasped in shock. Sentinel Prime: "Elita 1?!" Blackarachnia: "It's Blackarachnia now Sentinel, thanks to you and Optimus..." Sentinel Prime: "But... I thought you... went offline..." Blackarachnia: "Well at least you got the story straight." Sentinel Prime: "I never wanted to leave you behind like Optimus did, it was his idea, and Ultra Magnus refused to let us go back to recover your shell!" Blackarachnia: "Then I guess no bot's innocent." Sentinel Prime: "I... just never knew... never imagine something like this... unspeakable could have happened to you..." Blackarachnia: "I guess Optimus never told you then..." Sentinel Prime: "Wait... Optimus... you knew about this?" Optimus Prime: "I didn't knew how to tell you..." Sentinel Prime: "Well thanks for not spoiling the surprise... cause I didn't wanna be... prepared for this or anything!" said Sentinel with a bit of sarcasm in his voice. Blackarachnia: "Enough talking, you better get going if you want to save your friends." Optimus Prime: "Fine..." Sari: "Can I go with you, as you might need me to keep Grimlock at bay as I'm the one he trusts the most." Optimus Prime: "Sure thing." a while later, Grimlock was stomping down the roads, roaring like a real T-Rex, until Sari and Arcee used her hand to grab his tail. Sari: "No Grimlock!, we don't scare people for no good reason... unless they're bad guys." Optimus Prime: "Maybe you'd be less conspicuous in robot mode." Grimlock: "Okay... [changing to robot mode] but me Grimlock still taller than you, that's why Big Sister like me Grimlock best!" Sari: "Uh... Big Sister?" Grimlock: "Yes, little human told me about how you be like big sister to him when he visit us Dinobots one time... so you be Big Sister to us Dinobots." Sari: "Well I'm flattered that you see me as your big sister... even though you're much bigger than me... but now is not the time to argue with Prime here about who is my favorite or not." Optimus Prime: "Besides, if we don't work together and find the Constructicons before the next two mega cycles, both Bumblebee and your fellow Dinobots are goners." Grimlock: "Alright... um, where me Grimlock find Constructicons?" Optimus Prime: "Good question, we haven't seen them since after what happened between them and Bulkhead." Sari: "Well we know that they love to build stuff and guzzle oil... so they might be at some construction site... maybe." Optimus Prime: "It's a start, so let's get moving." it was not long before they finally found them, and they were indeed guzzling some oil. Mixmaster: "Man, this is good stuff, though I wish that I can remember where the best oil we had was..." Scrapper: "At least no one's around to mess with our oil break. Suddenly, they heard a roar from behind, and see Grimlock, Optimus Prime and Sari standing on the other side of the yard. Grimlock: "Me Grimlock get Constructions!" Mixmaster: "I think you spoke a little too soon." Scrapper: "Should we run?" Mixmaster: "Yup... run!" so they went off as Grimlock chases behind them, while Sari went to try keep Grimlock from doing too much damage in the area. Sari: "Grimlock stop!, we're not here to capture them, we came find them, remember?" Grimlock: "Me Grimlock remember, but Constructicons leaving." Optimus Prime: "It looks like they're heading for the docks, most likely for the oil there." Sari: "Then we better get back to Dinobot island and tell Blackarachnia, for I don't know if Bumblebee and the other Dinobots will last much longer." meanwhile, at Dinobot island, Blackarachnia was waiting for the Autobots to show up with the info she wants, while holding the antidote in her hand. Ratchet, Prowl, Daniel, Sentinel Prime and Bulkhead were watching her not too far away, while checking on both Bumblebee and the other two Dinobots. Sentinel Prime: "I can't believe I have to stay here and watch over these bots..." Blackarachnia: "On the bright side, this would give us a chance to catch up." Sentinel Prime: "Somehow that doesn't cheer me up in the slightest..." said Sentinel Prime, while looking away from the Spider Decepticon. It was not long before Optimus Prime, Sari and Grimlock returned and Blackarachnia stood in front of them. Blackarachnia: "Well... did you find out where they are?" Optimus Prime: "Yes, they're at the docks at the moment." Sari: "Now you got your info, give us the antidote for Bumblebee." Grimlock: "And me Grimlock's fellow Dinobots!" Blackarachnia: "Fine, since you kept your side of the deal, it's only fair I do the same." so she hand over the antidote to Optimus Prime, before changing to spider mode and left the scene. It was not long before the Autobot space bridge repair crew leader was kneeling down to administered the antidote into both Bumblebee and the other two Dinobots. As soon as Bumblebee got up, Sari went to give the yellow bot a big hug while Daniel did the same. Sari: "You okay?" Bumblebee: "Yeah, I think so." Grimlock: "So me Grimlock do okay?" Sari: "You sure did." Optimus Prime: "Hey Grimlock, I was thinking, how would you and the other Dinobots like to join us?" Grimlock: "But me Grimlock not Autobot, me Grimlock be Dinobot." Swoop: "Me Swoop Dinobot too." Snarl: "Me Snarl Dinobot three." Sari: "Well you guys have the Autobot symbol, so in a way, Dinobots are Autobots." Grimlock: "Hmm... Dinobots are Autobots?" Bumblebee: "Well yeah, just with the forms of dinosaurs instead of vehicles like us." this made the Dinobots paused for a moment, and then made their decision. Grimlock: "Okay, Dinobots help Autobots when needed." Sari: "Thanks Grimlock." Prowl: "You seemed to gain to have a knack on taming the Dinobots." Sari: "Yeah, so it seems." later as the sun rises into the sky, the Autobots went to Captain Fanzone to explain what happened last night. Captain Fanzone: "So Blackarachnia blackmailed you and those Dinobots to find these so called Constructicons?" Optimus Prime: "That pretty sums it all up." Captain Fanzone: "And you're planning to train the Dinobots to help ya to battle the Decepticons in the future?" Sari: "Think of it this way, it's better to make them our allies than enemies, and we'll need all the help we can get." Captain Fanzone: "Well it's fine with me, as long as they don't trash my city again." that was when Sari and Daniel sees that Optimus Prime looked up at the sky in deep thought. Sari: "You okay?" Optimus Prime: "Yeah, it's just that... Blackarachnia didn't had to keep her word as she was a Decepticon... but she did." Daniel: "So... maybe she's not all that bad." Optimus Prime: "Yeah... there might be hope for her yet..." Sentinel Prime: "I don't know about that..." said Sentinel Prime, looking down at the ground. Optimus Prime: "I'm sorry that I never told you about Elita 1, I didn't wanna reopen old wounds and all that..." Sentinel Prime: "Yeah... I'm sorry too... sorry that we ever went to that stupid planet in the first place..." Optimus Prime: "Guess we both have a lot to make up for with Elita 1..." Sentinel Prime: "Listen Optimus... we can't tell Ultra Magnus about Elita... for her sake more than mine..." Optimus Prime: "Yeah... sure, you have my word." meanwhile, at the docks, Blackarachnia, along with Blitzwing and Lugnut found the Constructicons and gave them some barrels of oil, in return of coming with them to their base.

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