A Bridge too close

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Now serving under Megatron's command, the Constructicons have completed construction of the villain's space bridge. They are rewarded for their efforts by being officially inducted into the Decepticon army in a small ceremony led by Megatron, with Starscream, Blackarachnia, Lugnut and Blitzwing serving as witnesses. After the Constructicons have recited the oath of allegiance, Megatron brands them, quite literally, with a color change for their armor and eyes, from yellow and gray, to green and purple with red eyes thrown into the bargain. At Megatron's instruction, Professor Sumdac fires up the bridge, but when it fails to activate due to the professor's simple lack of understanding of the technology, Megatron realizes that he will require additional help. That was when Megatron uses the Tachyon Transmitter to make contact with a Decepticon named Shockwave (voiced by Corey Burton), who is a Decepticon double agent that's disguised as an Autobot named Long-Arm Prime, who's been undercover for a while now. Megatron: "Shockwave, if our plan is going to succeed, I would require the top space bridge expert." Shockwave: "As you wish, my lord, I shall look at the files of top experts... now that's odd..." Megatron: "What is?" Shockwave: "I've found the top space bridge expert... but he's not on Cybertron..." Megatron: "Then where is he?" Shockwave: "Well... the location is unknown... but the thing is... well... I think you'll understand better if I show you the image." said Shockwave, before showing an image of Bulkhead to the Decepticon. Back at the Autobots' earth base, Bulkhead was making a painting of Daniel, who was sitting on a chair and was having trouble staying still. Daniel: "Uh... can we move now?, I'm getting a cramp." Bulkhead: "I suppose that we could use a break." soon as he said that, the boy gets up and takes a look at the painting and it looked a little strange as there was a picture of his head along with other things in different parts of it. Daniel: "Well... it's very interesting, I just didn't think that my head was so big." Bulkhead: "It's called an abstract, you know like that human artist Picasso very early cubism." Bumblebee: "Looks more like very early oil spill." Daniel: "Oh... I think I need some fresh air." Bulkhead: "Mind if I tag along?" Daniel: "No problem." Bumblebee: "Well if it means to getting out to stretch my wheels, count me in." Sari: "Me too, if it means hanging out with my best friends." back at the mines, Shockwave informs Megatron about Bulkhead being the top space bridge expert he needs. Shockwave: "It's hard to believe, but it seems this Autobot knows more about Space bridges than any other Autobot in the history of Cybertron." Megatron: "Well in that case, I shall retrieve him personally." Lugnut: "But my lord, the Professor can't be trusted with the new recruits, or Starscream or Blackarachnia even, who will keep an eye on him?" Megatron: "I'll take care of that as well, for it'll be a good reason why the Autobots won't risk attacking me without harming him too." so with that, he went to helicopter mode, with the professor tied up inside as he searches for Bulkhead. At the park, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Sari and Daniel were walking down when suddenly, they saw Megatron firing at them, along with the professor tied up inside the cockpit. Bumblebee: "It's Megatron!" Daniel: "And he's got my grandpa!" Bulkhead: "Not if I have anything to say about it!" that was when Megatron transformed to robot mode, with the Professor tied up on his chest. Bumblebee tried to fire his stingers at the Decepticon, only for Daniel to stop him. Daniel: "Wait!, don't shoot!, you'll hit my grandpa!" Bulkhead: "He's right, we can't risk it." Bumblebee: "Then what are we supposed to do?" Megatron: "Why that's simple really, either the one called called Bulkhead surrenders himself to me, or the professor is history." Bulkhead: "What do you want with me?" Megatron: "Let's just say what I'm working on is right up your ally." with no other choice, Bulkhead surrenders himself to Megatron, before being forced to follow the Decepticon, leaving Bumblebee, Sari and Daniel to head back to their base and tell the other Autobots the bad news. Optimus Prime: "What does Megatron want with Bulkhead?" Bumblebee: "Beats me, all we know is that whatever the Decepticons are working on is right up his ally." that was when they hard squawking, which turned out to be Swoop, the flying member of the Dinobots. Sari: "Swoop?, what are you doing here?" Swoop: "Me Swoop saw big green bot get taken by big copter bot." Bumblebee: "Yeah, we were just talking about that." Swoop: "Well Me Swoop also saw them going to cave with train tracks." Optimus Prime: "A cave with train tracks?" Daniel: "Wait... the old mine in the woods!, that must be where the Decepticons are hiding!" Ratchet: "That seems to be a good hiding place." Optimus Prime: "In that case, let's get there and rescue both Bulkhead and the Professor as soon as possible, Ratchet, you and Sari and Daniel go to our ship, see if you can get it back online, and bring the AllSpark fragments with you for safe keeping." Sari: "I'll call Grimlock and Snarl to come with just in case." Optimus Prime: "Good, I'll call the Elite Guard to come as well, for we'll need all the help we can get for this one." Swoop: "What about me Swoop?" Sari: "You go with Optimus and the others, they might need a flyer to help them." Swoop: "Me Swoop understand." Sari: "Thanks." said Sari, before giving Swoop a hug, which made him really happy before flying off to follow Optimus, Prowl and Bumblebee, who were off to fetch the Elite Guard to back them up for their upcoming battle. Sari, Daniel and Ratchet went to Dinobot island, where they meet Grimlock and Snarl in the ship, which was not able to get power back. Grimlock: "Me Grimlock don't think ship's useful." Ratchet: "It's not his fault, he's been through a lot..." Sari: "Okay... so now what?" Ratchet: "There's one thing we could try... load the AllSpark fragments we have into the ship's spark chamber, that should give him a jump start." Daniel: "Will that work." Ratchet: "Not sure, but it's worth a try." back with Optimus Prime's group, they went into the mines and thanks to the help of Swoop and the Elite Guard, they managed to put both Lugnut and Blitzwing in stasis cuffs. At where the Decepticon space bridge was located, it was finally completed for real. Bulkhead: "Alright... we did what you ask, now can me and the Professor go free?" Megatron: "All in due time, first I want to make sure it works." so with that, Megatron pulls a lever and soon the space bridge was activated. Megatron: "At long last I will lead my troops back to Cybertron and reclaim what is rightfully mine!" that was when Optimus Prime and his team, along with the Elite Guard and Swoop came to the scene. Optimus Prime: "Too bad there's nobody left for you to lead, Megatron!" Scrapper: "Hey!, who are you calling nobody?" Bumblebee: "The Constructicons!" Mixmaster: "You got that right shorty." Bumblebee: "Hey!, at least I got more brain power than you!" Prowl: "Looks like they're working for Megatron now..." meanwhile on Dinobot island, Sari and Ratchet had just put the AllSpark fragments into the ship's spark chamber. Ratchet: "Alright kid, when I give you the signal, use your key to jump start the ship... ready... now!" said the old medic, before the boy used his key to power up the space craft. Ratchet: "Come on old friend, I know you can do it..." Sari: "Uh Ratchet, I don't think that's gonna..." suddenly, a voice came out of nowhere, which belonged to someone that Ratchet knows as Omega Supreme (voiced by Phil LaMarr). Omega Supreme: "Ratchet... is that you?" this made both Sari and the human boy and the two Dinobots jumped in surprise. Daniel: "What the... the ship..." Sari: "It... it talked!" Ratchet: "Oh he does a lot more than talk." Omega Supreme: "There are Decepticons everywhere, I don't think I can make it..." Ratchet: "It's okay old friend, the war's over." Omega Supreme: "Did we win?" Ratchet: "Yeah we won... thanks to you." Sari: "Okay... how come you never told me that the ship was alive?" Daniel: "Yeah?" Ratchet: "Because he has not been online for over a few million Stellar cycles, he sacrificed his own spark to help us win the war and has been in modified stasis ever since, it's more than a ship, but a good friend." Grimlock: "Do all ship on Cybertron talk?" Ratchet: "Nope, Omega Supreme here is the only one, and he's more than just a ship, he's a fellow Autobot." Snarl: "Ship be Autobot?" Sari: "Wait... the Omega Supreme?!... whoa..." Daniel: "If's the ship's an Autobot... then he's gotta be the biggest one ever..." Ratchet: "He might as well be." Omega Supreme: "There's so much I can't remember." Ratchet: "I'm afraid we have to catch up later, right now we need your help." Omega Supreme: "I don't know if I can..." Ratchet: "Trust me on this, you will, with our help along with some new friends as well." while the human boy was using his key to repair the ship, the Dinobots were helping Ratchet and Sari by carrying some supplies. Ratchet: "My organic friend is using his key to repair your memory core data banks, we can't restore everything yet, but we are going to boot you up just enough to make ya operational." Omega Supreme: "I'm afraid I can't see." Ratchet: "That's because your front is still buried in rock, you just need to pull yourself out from the side of the cliff." soon, with the help of the AllSpark key, Omega Supreme got out from the side of the cliff and was in the air once more." Omega Supreme: "Ratchet, I'm flying!" Ratchet: "Ha!, I knew that you still had it in you." Omega Supreme: "But... this doesn't look like Cybertron." Ratchet: "I know, long story." back at the mines, the Autobots try their best to fight the Decepticons, but it was not easy, even for their leader as they were outnumbered. Swoop: "Me Swoop think Decepticons are tough." Bumblebee: "What give you that hint?, the fact that they're kicking us around?" Bulkhead: "I'm sorry guys, I didn't want to help them finish their space bridge, but they would have harmed Daniel's grandpa if I didn't." Prowl: "How were you able to know how to make a space bridge work anyway?" Sentinel Prime: "I was wondering that too..." Jazz: "Yeah Bulky, what's the story, brother?" Bulkhead: "I had a lot of time to learn as much as I could about them back on the Energon farm, always had a knack for them, which was one of the reasons why I choose the job being a space bridge repair boy, sorry guys." Optimus Prime: "I understand Bulkhead, I just hope Ratchet and the others get here on time." Bumblebee: "Me too, we could really use some help right now." suddenly, Omega Supreme fired his cannon at the mines, revealing the base inside. Megatron: "Mixmaster and Scrapper, clear the rubble away from the space bridge, the rest of you attack that ship!" suddenly, Omega Supreme transformed into robot mode, which really surprised everyone. Omega Supreme: "I am... Omega Supreme!" Daniel and Sari: "Cool!" said Daniel and Sari, before Omega Supreme walks towards the Decepticon base. Lugnut: "Your size is meaningless compared to the greatness of Megatron!" Starscream: "Size... that's it, everyone, aim for the legs!" as soon as he gave that command, the Decepticons fired their weapons at the giant Autobot's legs, which weakens him. Ratchet: "Get back on your feet solider!" Omega Supreme: "I can't... too weak..." Sari: "What's with him?" Daniel: "Yeah, he seems to not have a lot of confidence on himself." Ratchet: "Omega Supreme was our last line of defense during the Great War, if you have seen as many bots fall as he has, you would have a pretty grim outlook too." Grimlock: "Me Grimlock like to hear more of medic bot's war stories." Ratchet: "You're living in one now, Daniel, use your key to help him!" Daniel: "Roger that!" so that's what the boy did, and soon Omega Supreme was back on his feet. During the battle, Starscream finds another AllSpark fragment and picks it up and had an evil grin on his face. Back in the mines, Megatron was about to use Optimus Prime to test the Space bridge to see if it works right. Megatron: "Shockwave, the test is about to begin." Shockwave: "Yes, if the Autobot makes it here, then we'll know it works." Sentinel Prime: "Who are you?!, and how did you get into Autobot security?!" Shockwave: "Surly you haven't forgotten little old me... Long-Arm Prime..." Jazz: "The Autobot Intel is a Decepticon spy?!, crazy...." Ultra Magnus: "We can't let the Decepticons Transwarp themselves to Cybertron!" Megatron: "Too late Ultra Magnus, soon Cybertron will be in Decepticon control, along with the rest of the galaxy." said Megatron, as he prepares to throw Optimus Prime into the space bridge. But before the Decepticon leader could do that, Omega Supreme swatted Starscream right into the space bridge's power core, and the AllSpark fragment that he was carrying, had it's energy cause the space bridge to overload. That was when the vortex of the space bridge started to suck everything in, including both Megatron and Starscream. Bulkhead: "This is bad!, by my calculations, this thing is gonna transwarp the whole state into the far side of the galaxy!" that was when Omega Supreme landed in front of the space bridge and the vortex got weaker. Optimus Prime: "Omega Supreme?, you're online!" Omega Supreme: "Save yourselves Autobots, I will absorb the transwarp energy." Ratchet: "No!, we didn't brought you back to life just to watch you self destruct!" yelled Ratchet, before he, along with Sari, Daniel and the Dinobots were ejected out of the giant Autobot. Omega Supreme: "I am programed to protect and sacrifice if necessary." Ratchet: "No!" shouted Ratchet, as he watched Omega Supreme was sucked into the vortex, and the space bridge itself imploded and disappeared without a trace. It was not long before Daniel ran up to his grandpa, happy to see him again. Professor Sumdac: "Daniel, are you alright?" Daniel: "I'm fine, but you were the one that Megatron hold hostage, he didn't hurt you did he?" Professor Sumdac: "I'm alright, but what are the Dinobots doing here?" Daniel: "It's a long story." Bumblebee: "I hate the interrupt this family reunion, but we gotta roll." said the yellow Autobot, as the mine begins to cave in, and the Autobots escape while the Constructicons are buried alive attempting to save their oil. Soon the Autobots got out of the mine safely. Optimus Prime: "Everyone still online?" Prowl: "Looks like it." Ironhide: "All here and functional." Ratchet: "All but one..." Bulkhead: "He's probably still out there somewhere." Prowl: "He's right Ratchet, don't you lose hope yet." Sari: "Yeah... I'm sure we'll get him back one day." Ratchet: "Yeah... you might be right." Professor Sumdac: "Oh I'm so glad that this ordeal is finally over." Optimus Prime: "For now anyway, I got a feeling that we might see the Decepticons again." Sari: "I wouldn't be surprised if they did." Daniel: "Yeah, but right now let's get my grandpa home, I'm sure mom and dad will be happy to see him again." said the human boy said, before the Autobots went to vehicle mode to dive, or fly in Sari's case, back to Sumdac tower, while the Dinobots head off back to their island.

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