Familiars and Phoenix

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Artoria followed the rest of Rias' Peerage as they made their way through the strange forest of the Familiar world, keeping an eye out for any potential Familiars she may want to claim for herself.

Before they entered Akeno's portal to the Familiar world, they had gone to their homes to change back into their school uniforms since most of their clothing had been shredded during the match. She tuned out their guide around the time of his second rhyme, finding his little limerick gimmick annoying. She heard some rustling nearby and, figuring the group couldn't get into too much trouble without her, went off to check it out herself.

There was a lot of foliage in the way, but Artoria eventually managed to brush enough of the branches out of her way to wander off the beaten path and found a dark clearing with a crystal pond, not unlike the one that revealed the Undine creature Issei had contemplated claiming as his own Familiar before seeing what the true appearance of the creature was.

Artoria had been freaked out by seeing just how muscular that thing's arms were, even one of that Undine's arms could have crushed her like a pencil..... hopefully not.

She hoped that this body of water didn't contain something comparable, she rather liked being unbroken by a creature's oversized muscles. Thankfully, the creature that had made the sound didn't appear to be anything so disturbing. In fact, there were a few creatures surrounding the pond, each taking a chance to satiate their thirst.

There appeared to be a small flock of strange looking birds, each one held a strange design on its back and none matched the others. Their feathers were a deep obsidian with red highlights along the edges of some feathers giving the appearance that they were streaked with blood, and the design on their backs were colored a silvery grey, the streak going across multiple feathers to create the design. Their eyes were all an unsettling crimson red, but thankfully they weren't pointed in her direction.

Another group was what appeared to be a pack of black wolves. They had streaks of smoky grey across their muzzles and ivory streaks going up their legs. The tips of some areas of their fur were tipped with red, though it was only the areas that spiked out that had the red tips. Their eyes were slitted, and the iris was colored a deep emerald on all of them. Some had noticed her entrance into the clearing, but most were still preoccupied with their drinking from the pond.

There was one very strange wolf that caught her eyes and it was staring right at her. It was blood red and silver furs throughout its underside. It's calm oceanic blue eyes were staring directly into her own, but its gaze didn't seem unnerving. It was simply... curious about her presence. It screeched before taking off, not fleeing but leaving all the same.

She decided, rather than forcing a contract on a creature she'd wait for her. After all, familiars were neither one's pet or partner. It was a vicious magical beast that would turn menace, should it's master neglect to train it. So, whichever creatures came to her would be the ones she considered as potential Familiars. Until then, she would remain patient.

It was... relaxing, meditating in the world of Familiars. Artoria picked up on a change that she hadn't noticed when she was just walking with the rest of Rias' Peerage. The very air in this world was filled with more magical energy than she had ever felt in the human world. She had been meditating for a few minutes, the sounds of everyone's voices becoming muted the more she delved into the core of her powers.

The sound of flapping wings sounded throughout the clearing, alongside more rustling of the underbrush, signaling a number of both the pack and the flock had left the clearing. A screech sounded nearby, perhaps signaling the presence of the other creature she recognized, but it was some distance away. It could have been a different creature, or perhaps it was the same. She wasn't so familiar enough with its cry to identify it without opening her eyes.

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