01 - Bumping Into You

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Third person's POV

Monday came and it's Bright's first day of class. He's back to being a student after what seems to be a year and a half in physical therapy. It's been two years since he had an accident and that accident took most of his life's memories away.

He doesn't remember anyone in his life, all that's left to him was his two friends that were there when he woke up from almost a month of being comatose.

He was curious about the life he had back then and the two gladly told him everything, all the happiest moments he had. But one night a dream about him in white tuxedo flashes, causing him to wake up in pain and so much heartache.

The next morning, Bright went to see his friends and the story unraveled.

They said he was supposed to be married to the love of his life but was left alone in the altar. It was heartbreaking. It only took Bright a minute to sync everything in and soon his whole body shuts down.

The next thing he knew, he was back in the hospital.

He did everything to forget the pain even if it was unbearable, he had to. At times he would dream about a certain person but only his eyes were the only thing he could remember. His voice was somewhat inaudible but his eyes were the same.

And through those dreams he had, he was happy. That's what confused him, his friends' stories were painful and unbearable but in his dreams he was happy, and in love.

But even if his questions were unanswered, Bright continued his life, fulfilling his dream of being an engineer.

With the help of his friends, he came back to his usual self. He got a part time job, acquired a scholarship and soon had a roof over his head at the college's dormitory.

With excitement, he went to class and safely arrived at the campus.

Bright was walking down the hallway, searching for his ID, when suddenly he bumped into someone causing him to drop his phone.

"Sor-" he says and their eyes meet.

"Bright?" the other speaks but makes Bright confused.

Does anyone know me besides my friends?

But the other was more confused. He quickly holds Bright's arms and scans him from head down to his feet.

Win couldn't believe who he was seeing at this very moment. It's Bright, his ex from 4 years ago.

Or should we say his husband 3 years ago?

"Bright, is it really you? How are you?" Amazed and he just couldn't believe what he's seeing.

He's fine. Thank God.

But Bright didn't know the guy. He pushed him away, removing those hands in him. "Do I know you?"

It seems like a knife that went through his body, the relief of seeing Bright again disappeared in his eyes and was quickly replaced with pain.

"Wait. It's me."

"Uhm..." Bright's eyes looked at his eyes and somehow he felt it. That same emotions he saw in his dream but this time he feels it running in his body.

"You don't remember me?" Fear showed in his eyes and his actions suddenly changed.

"Who are you? Do I know you?" Bright speaks once again and this time he stares at the other with so many questions running around in his mind.

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