08 - Wake Up Call

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Third Person's POV

Bright was half awake when he heard Win's voice. It has been 30 minutes since he passed out and was sent back to his room.

"How is he?"

"He's still sleeping. The doctors said it was due to fatigue. He also said Bright has been experiencing insomnia for the past 2 years. He gave him some sleeping pills so Bright won't be awake till tomorrow morning. You can go home. I'll tend to him for the time being." Oliver explains and Win's eyes go back to Bright.

He could feel his stares. Bright can feel him and the hand that held him was the coldest one. Win's hand was cold as ice. Bright barely flinched from feeling that cold skin on his once the pills started kicking in his system.

"Thank you." Win bowed his head and his eyes caught the two on his way out. "Danilo, Hiro, can we talk?"

"Yeah, let's do that outside." Danilo spoke.

"Okay, then, phi, we'll go ahead. I'll come back tomorrow to visit Bright." Hiro said while waving his hand to Oliver and Gael.

"Thank you. Drive safely." Gael said while Oliver waves his hand.

- - - - -

The three went out of the room and Win started the conversation, while taking the walk down to the parking area.

"Thank you, Hiro, Danilo. I know it's pretty messed up right now and I don't even know if I can fix this but I'm glad you two were his friends."

"We were friends too, back when we were all in the same neighborhood." Hiro adds.

"You're right..." Win's voice suddenly changed its tone.

"Man, it's been like what? 2 years?" Hiro enthusiastically said but Danilo was not having any of it and by the looks of it, he's pissed.

"Three..." Win said.

"How are you?" Hiro once again asked.

There was a pause in his end but Win answered him right after. "I'm okay, compared to what Bright went through, I'm okay."

"Don't say that. We all know you are not okay. It was hard for you too. Letting him go that day..." Hiro held his arm for a while.

"I'm sorry... You two had to take a stand for me. It was selfish of me to think about what I think was best for Bright but I guess I was never on the right path to give him the best. Look at where we are." There goes his sad voice and to Danilo, he had enough.

What he saw earlier to Bright was the first time. He didn't think of it too much but somehow, after all those lies they made up to hide the truth, this was his breaking point.

Win had a chance but he didn't take it and that's what pissed him off.

"Win, can I ask you something?" Danilo asked and Win just nodded as an answer. "Do you still want him back? Do you still love Bright?"

Their steps stopped for a moment and the two waited for his answer. "Till the end, Dan. Until someone takes my life from my own hands. I will always love him and want to be beside him."

"Then, why don't you make things right this time? It's been years. Can you give Bright the life you once promised him?" Danilo's voice was solid. He's trying to wake some senses in Win's mind because everything is so messed up. "Running away won't solve this. You did that in the first place and look where you are right now? Back to square one."

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