06 - The Road To Where You Are

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Third Person's POV

On his way to where Bright was, a certain name pops up and with a heavy heart he dials that person's number for the first time after 2 years of not being in contact with him.

- - - - -

"Phi. It's me, Win."

[Win? How are you?]

"Phi, he's back."


"Bright is. I'm sorry. I tried. I really tried. I did not plan this. I didn't want us to meet again. I promise you. I did what I told you all. I forced myself out of his life. I didn't plan this. Please, Phi. It's repeating again. Everything. I don't know what to do."

[Win. Calm down.] 

"Phi, what am I going to do now?"

[Where are you?] 
[Let's meet up.] 

"I can't. Not NOW. He's back at the hospital."

[H-hospital? Did something 
happen to him?] 

"He's not physically injured but..."

[But? But what?] 

"I caused him to have a trauma. I don't know what to do now. I've already caused him a lot and now this. Phi, help me. I can't do this alone.]

[Okay, okay.] 
[You need to calm down first.] 
[Are you driving now?] 

"Yes, I'm on my way to him. His friend said he's been staying at AV Hospital for days now because of therapy."

[Okay, we'll be there.] 
[Wait for us before you go inside.] 

"Please, Phi. And thank you."

[It's alright Win. I'll explain everything 
to my brother. You don't have to worry.] 
[It was not your fault.] 
[We never blamed you.] 
[Please remember that.] 

- - - - -

The call ended with Win crying his eyes out.

Win didn't know what to do but all he wants is to see Bright in this instance.

Maybe Bright was right.
Maybe it's time.
Maybe he needs to make things right this time.
Maybe now is the right time.

There were a lot of maybes but in between those were his what ifs.

What if Bright doesn't need him anymore?
What if this second chance were just a coincidence?
What if he doesn't want him anymore?

There were a lot of things in his mind. As the road between them becomes smaller, everything somehow becomes suffocating.

Will things be like what they were years ago?
Will he be able to help Bright with his memories?
Or will this be the end of their story once and for all?

It took almost 3 hours before he arrived at the hospital where Nathaniel said Bright was and immediately he texted Bright's brother, Oliver.

[Phi, I'm at the parking lot near the entrance of AV Hospital. I'll wait for you here.]

It was when he turned his phone away from his sight, he noticed two familiar faces walking in front of him.

It was Hiro and Danilo. Bright's highschool friends. Few of those which he still remembers because he asked them to stay with him. But what Win questions is why Oliver's name never came out from Bright's lips.

Why is Oliver not aware of Bright's location if he was also there when he woke up?
Did he also forget about his own biological brother?
Did the accident cause even his young memories to disappear too?

The more Win questions, the more guilt fills up in his mind. He caused all of those precious memories to be forgotten. There was nothing he could do now to help Bright.

Head down to the steering wheel, and soon he heard a knock by his window. He immediately looked out his window and saw Bright.

He quickly gets out and closes the door.

"What are you doing here?"

"I heard from Nathaniel."

"That kid. Did he tell you something that made you go all the way here? You still have classes, if I'm right."

"He didn't. I made the decision to go here."

"And why is that?"

"I wanted to know how you were doing."

A deep breath was let out from Bright's and he swung to where his friends were standing. He looked at them and Win somehow followed his eyes and to his surprise, the two were there, watching not that far from them.

"This is the dude I was talking about on the phone with you two. Do you know who he is?"

A sudden question that made the two look at Win for a second only to answer Bright with a solid no and both heard Danilo's voice. "He looks familiar but I don't remember who he is."

Bright nodded and faced Win again. "They were the friends I was talking about with you the first time we met at the campus."

Win nodded at a slow pace. This time, Bright moved closer to him, eyes never leaving him. "I know you're not here because you just wanted to know how I was doing. Now tell me, before I start kissing you again."

"Kis—" Win quickly covers his lips with his hand and takes a good few steps away from Bright while the younger smirks. "You can't do that here."

"Why not? We kissed, we had sex, we made love."

Win's eyes widened in pure shock. He couldn't utter any word or even defend himself for what Bright said. He felt his two feet nailed to the ground and couldn't move at all.

"W—what did you say?"

"Those things happened to us. Right?"

But there was no response on Win's side. He only looked at Bright's eyes and tears again creeped in the corner. "You're starting to cry again. Fuck this! Haven't you had enough of that? Every fuckin time you see me and I open up about my past or should I say now, our past, you ended up crying your eyes."


"But why did I say those words? Because I keep having these weird dreams about you. The young you. In the first place, I don't even know why I keep having dreams about you but never with your partner and it hit me...

The partner I was so curious about was me all along. You and me. Those weren't just dreams I made up in my head, those were our memories together. Am I right?"

His eyes fixated on the older but Win was already crying as he lowered his head down and once again, began to blame himself over and over again.

"Crying won't fix this Win. I can't keep waiting for you to speak if you're not going to. I can't keep wiping your tears when you let me drown in mine. So let me do you a favor and make it right this time."

His sobs stopped when he felt Bright's hand on his cheeks, guiding them to see him eye to eye.

"Don't lie to me and tell me the truth. What are we if we're not friends?"


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