10 - Healing Takes Time

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Third Person's POV

Just like what Bright wanted, Win never visited him again.

And everything was back to normal.

Normal? Things will never be normal again.

In Win's world.

In Bright's world.

And just like the time passes by, the whole semester went through without them having any other interactions.

Win transferred to another lecture time eventhough Bright told him not to. It was Jerome's doing since Win has been having attacks more often after that day.

While Bright somehow made a huge progress in his therapy. Along with that, he aced a few of his classes and was running for dean's list.

Everything was going perfect in Bright's life.

He's back to Oliver and Gael's guidance, moves in with them, and hasn't had any panic attacks and nightmares anymore.

And with those good things happening in his life, his memory about the past deteriorated.

His brother and friends tried their best to help him recover any memories from the past but there was no progress at all. It's like after he asked Win to never see him, not a single flashback came. Even those dreams with the young Win disappeared.

It got him thinking, even in the middle of the night, his mind was on that topic.

Why don't I see him anymore?

Even in the campus, it was so hard to catch a glimpse of Win, not that he's looking for him but the man is difficult not to be noticed.

He really did what I wanted him to do.

But there's this sinking feeling that still makes him awake every night.

He was right. Win can just move on and forget him that easily without fighting for him. That's how lowly he thinks about their relationship.

These were Bright's words. And no one could blame him for thinking this way. He's been through a lot, alone.

There's too many things to fix but now, their relationship was not one of them. 


"Yes Phi?"

"Gael told me there was a letter from the registry office." then hands him the envelope that has the letter in it. "Are you really going to proceed with the changes in your last name? Are you going to divorce Win?" 


"Yeah, are you?" there was a shift of expressions in Bright's face. "Changing your last name means you're divorcing Win. Don't tell me you didn't think it through that?"

"I didn't."

Oliver sat across from him. "If changing your last name will help you heal, do it. I'm all by your side. I will not justify what he did because it was wrong. But, if you ask me. Don't do it if you're only doing this to get back at him from what he did to you."

"But I have to. Right?"

Oliver nods. "You have every right to do so. You went through a lot and I've said this before, we are not forcing you to do anything. You can take all the time you need to recover, everything."

"Thank you, phi."

"But can I say this?" 

"About what?"

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