07 - Everyone Is Lying To You

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Third Person's POV

Win stood frozen to his feet, unable to make words or even avoid Bright's eyes.

"Explain yourself, Win. I don't have all the time to wait for you. And if what I said still doesn't wake you up to reality, I don't know what else. I'm already exhausted, Win. Let's stop pretending we're not something."

His eyes somehow caught a glimpse of Oliver's face with his husband Gael who were running towards their location.

Soon enough, he took a hold of Bright's arms and made the younger one face him.

"It's really you! Oh, my goodness."

"Excuse me?"

"It's me." He took a deep breath. "Your brother Oliver." Then embraces him tightly. 

"I-I have a brother?" There's this tone inhos voice that made Oliver break their embrace. "That can't be. I'm an orphan. That's what the hospital said."

He pushed the man away and tears started flowing. "I don't believe you. It can't be true."

Bright's eyes then went back to his two friends who immediately walked towards them. "What is he talking about? Is this some kind of prank? Hiro? Danilo? Tell me this isn't true. You two must know something! Because God— I don't know who to trust anymore with all of you here are liars and assholes!"

He breaks off Oliver's grip on him and faces his two friends. "Answer me! I'm going crazy! Danilo! Fucking tell me the truth!" 

There's this silence that Bright rage outbursts. They were all in this stupid act. The silence haunted him and when Danilo finally had the courage to speak, that's when Bright knew he was being played by those he trusted the most.

"I'm sorry. We truly are."

"You both lied to me? Even that fucking story, you made that up? F-for what? For that asshole right there?!" Bright points out to Win who was standing still behind Oliver.

This time Gael steps in. He held Bright's hands, squeezing them gently. "Bright... I know you don't know who I am but please... Hear them out. They have a reason to hide everything to you. And we don't blame anything for the situation you are in."

Bright's eyes started shedding tears as the man in front of him embraced him, soothing him. "None of us wanted this. No one wanted to let you live alone. Please, hear us out."

And somehow his words and touches were enough to calm Bright's emotions. Gael freed him from the embrace and that's when Oliver steps in.

"I have pictures with you. I can show them all to you." He took a box filled with albums from their car and showed them all to him. All of the pictures of him and Oliver with their parents. 

It was true. Oliver was his brother. Every page, from him being an infant to his own graduation photos with their parents, everything was in there. 

But something still does not add up.

There was a family picture where it showed the family last name, which was different from what he had now.

— Hernandez?

Questions followed one after another and Bright needed answers.

"If you're my brother, then who is he to me?" Bright then points to Win, who stood behind Off. Bright had his eyes crying nonstop and he could not contain the pain screaming inside. "Tell me! Who the fuck is he and why is he here?!"

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