05 - What Kind Of Future We Had

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Third Person's POV

It took a few push and pull until Win realized what he did. And again his eyes started watering.

How can I let you go now when you're already right in front of me?

His sadness resonates through his trembling lips as he parts them from Bright's. Head down, eyes closed. He then felt Bright's hand, gently guiding his face for another eye contact.

"Why do you keep on shedding tears? It's making me feel bad."

"No, it's not you, Bright."

"This again?"

"Yes, this is all because of me."

"But don't you think it's time to let go of whatever makes you feel this sadness?"

Again, his eyes water. His breath started hitching up and so he pushed Bright away.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that."

"Done what? The kiss?"

He looks back at Bright with those eyes. He shakes his head and he could see Bright's face desperate for any explanation from him but there were no words he could utter to reason his actions.

"You should go." With a low tone, he pushed him away. And now it was Bright who was starting to build the tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry. I really am."

"Again, with your apologies?"

"Please Bright. You need to leave." It felt like a gunshot right thru his heart and Bright, frozen on his feet, spoke once again.

"Tell me why you did that." Their eyes caught each other once again. "Tell me why did you kiss me. Just that. And I'll leave you alone."


"If you're not going to tell me, I will kiss you again. I don't care if anyone sees us. I'll take all the blame, I don't care." One by one he takes the step closer to Win.

"Stop. That kiss should have not happened."

"But it did happen. We kissed. You kissed me and I kissed you back."

"Bright please. Forget about the kiss."

But knowing how Bright thinks, Win walks out of the room and Bright follows him. Until they both reached Win's car. Win was the first to enter and he knew that Bright would follow him and so he shut the door loudly.

"You better start talking or else—"

"Or else what?"

"Why can't you just be honest with me? Tell me the truth!"

"I've already told you, what else is there to say?"

"Explain my dreams! Why do I keep seeing the young you being in love and caring as if I was that person you were talking to? Explain that!"

And the next thing Bright saw was Win crying, this time it was more painful as if he had lost an important person who suddenly came back to life in front of him.

Bright hated it. That certain look in Win's face, he loathes it. Even more when Win started lowering his head down as his body was directed towards Bright's.

"Will you please stop crying every time I speak of our past? I don't even understand why you keep doing that. If we were just friends, why does it feels like we were not just friends?"

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