04 - The Old Songs

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Third Person's POV

After Win and Bright had a conversation, he then called Nathaniel's number.

"Where are you?"

At the library, why?

"You asshole. I'm not yet done with you."

Dude, if this is still about Prof Win,
I already said sorry to him.
Can't you just let this pass?

"Nope. You said too much.
You're lucky he didn't do anything to you.
Your grades can be affected if possible."

But he didn't, right?

"Yup. Word of advice, Nathaniel.. Speak
only when needed. Plus, I don't tolerate
your actions earlier.. Mind you,
I'm still older than you."

I know, my bad, I'm sorry.

"It's fine. Lunch is on you."

Fine. Let's go. I'll meet you at the cafeteria.

"That's more like it."

The next day.

Win was waiting for the time to pass at the faculty room. He sat himself down, head resting on the chair, eyes closed.

A vision of what his life was before the accident resurfaced once again.

Him cooking Bright's favorite food and Bright singing in their bed.

His voice echoed throughout the room and Win couldn't be the happiest when he had the only privilege to hear Bright's singing voice.

— — — — —

"Love, why don't you make an album?"


"Yeah, you sing so well.
And you write your own lyrics.
You just hummed and I'm already on cloud 9."

"You're just saying that because you're
stuck with me. You're already used
to me humming and playing random songs."

"Maybe, but that doesn't mean you're not
good. You are. Why don't you record one of
your original songs then let's upload it
on YT, just for fun?"

"Pass, you know I don't like being in pictures."

"We can just focus on you playing. the guitar
while of course, singing. The frame doesn't
have to set. on your face if you don't like it."

"I'll think about it."

— — — — —

The conversation continued up to Bright standing up and eating what Win made for him. His smiles when he told Win's omelet was salty and him laughing his ass while redoing the omelet.

They were so happy. The happiest for the smallest reason.

Another heartache and it woke him up to a tear running down his cheek.

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