03 - When The Heart Skips A Beat

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Third person's POV

Win watched as the students filed out of the room after his hour-long lecture. He was the only one left behind, and during that lecture Bright's gaze never left him.

It was embarrassing to cry in front of all his students but the moment he heard what Nathaniel said, tears just had his way on him.

It was a scar he can never heal and will never want to heal because he did cause that scar, he made that. It only got worse and deeper when Bright resurfaced.

A deep sigh was let out and he said to himself, move on. It was also a good thing that Bright didn't comfort him, it would be worse if he did.

I don't think I'll be able to stop crying if he came in front to console me.

He knew Bright had a lot of questions about them.

But he couldn't reveal everything yet.

In his mind, 'it was better this way'. Bright forgetting about him and him letting Bright go on with his life.

Like he didn't exist.
Like they didn't have anything to do with each other.
Like he didn't love Bright more than his own self.
Like they weren't married at all.

He then picked up his things and proceeded to walk out of the room, but to his surprise, Bright was standing outside waiting for him.

"Why are you still here?"

"Prof, can we talk?"

"Right now?"

The young man nods and Win lets out a sigh.

Didn't I just say to myself not to be linked with him anymore?

"Do you have the time right now?" Bright asked and Win looked at his wristwatch.

"I have another class waiting. We can meet up after your classes too. I think you have 3 more classes, if I'm not mistaken."

There's that confused look in Bright's face. And again, Win finds it cute, he always does. It was Bright's habit of titling his head and looking clueless and confused for a second.

"Why do you know my schedule?" He eyed the older one while taking a few steps back.

A laugh came through and for the second time, Bright became confused.

"I've been teaching here for 2 years. Don't get me wrong, I'm not following you or stalking you. I think I've memorized a few of the class schedules in this department. Students somehow complained to me about the schedules, especially juniors like you and seniors."

This time Bright was the one who sighed, a relief was taken away. He looked at Win's eyes, they were still red and it made him reach for his face. And without noticing what he did, he ran his thumb to his eye, from one end to another.

"Why did you have to cry? Was it that painful? Our past?" Bright could not explain what he was feeling but it was painful to see Win cry.

His heart ached and he couldn't understand why.

"You could have just pretended not to hear his words. Look at you, all red and sad."

Bright's words were enough to make Win cry for the second time. But this time he finally admitted that he needed Bright's loving arms again, the way he used to calm him down, the way he used to make his heart and mind at peace, the way he embraced him to make all the pain go away.

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