Soldiers In Honour

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In honour of those who stand
For peace and order in every land
We bow our heads and express our care
For the soldiers who bear burdens are rare

Their sacrifices often go unseen
Yet they fight on, ever keen
Braving fears and haunting nights
To defend our freedoms and our rights

With each step, they carry the weight
Of a world tormented by violence and hate
They journey through lands near and far
Guided by duty, not by any star

Against the darkness, they stand tall
With courage, they answer the call
Their shields are truth and freedom's light
Shining against the blackest night

But we should not owe our lives to any
Nor overlook the burden of many
No one yearns to be a soldier, true
Yet they take up the call to see us through

Their eyes, once glowing with valor and might
Now bear the scars of internal fight
The unseen wounds, the devil's chore
Those hardships they endure and more

So let us remember their strife and pain
An appreciation that we must sustain
For many soldiers gave their all
So that we may stand, proud and tall

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