Chapter Seventeen

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"Jack are you sure nothing happened between Sam and that girl?" I ask him for the millionth time as we walk to lunch, school is so boring.

"Honestly I don't know Mel. And if something did, I wouldn't be in the right position to tell you." He sighs, "I have the girls number though."

"I need it, text it to me." I smile sweetly before sitting down at the table with Johnson, Nate and Sam. "How's everyone's day?"

Olivia popping up out of no where. "Melanie I know it wasn't my position to try to break you guys up but I don't want to see you get hurt." She explains and I shake my head.

"Samuel said nothing happened, why would you assume something did?" I ask her and Nate looks down coughing.

I glance at Sam who looks a little pale and I frown. "I can't tell you, he's supposed to tell you. You wouldn't believe me anyways. I really am sorry."

"Okay what happened that night Sam?" I ask him, no emotion in my voice, well maybe a little aggression. I am pissed! Something had to have happened.

"Okay, I can't keep this from her any longer. Sam you really fucked up. He had sex with her and her friend." Nate blurts out, shaking his head as he stands up and points a finger in Sam's face, "do not ever ask me to keep another secret like this from her. She is fucking amazing and you really don't appreciate her at all. I really am sorry Melanie, you don't deserve to have a douche bag as a boyfriend."

I stand up and slap Sam across the face before walking away to my locker. "Melanie," Gilinsky frowns stopping in front of me so I couldn't walk any further.

"Did you know?" I ask him softly.

"Melanie... I.. Yes, I knew." He frowns running his hands through his hair. I shake my head and let the tears fall.

"I thought you were my best friend, Jack. I guess you're just as much of a jackass as the rest of your friends. Go to hell." I mutter pushing him out of my way.

"I am your best friend, it wasn't my secret to tell! Melanie please," he begs trying to grab my arm but I pull away and wipe the tears off my cheeks. I am way stronger than this.

"You lied to me, you kept Sammy's secret for him instead of telling me the truth. I can't believe you did that to me. You really fucked up just as bad as Sam did, I hate liars way more than I hate cheaters." I say calmly, "now stay the hell away from me, tell Nate to come to my house after school, since he's the only one who has the balls to tell me."

With that I walk out the front gates to the school and walk home. Where I laid on my bed and listened to Sam Smith and balled my eyes out until I couldn't cry anymore. Sammy and Gilinsky have been texting me nonstop so I just set their texts to do not disturb.

I get a text from Nate about ten minutes after school gets let out saying he's outfront. I sigh and roll out of bed and open the front door, "come in." I mumble letting him come inside.

"I really am sorry that I didn't tell you sooner, Sam kept saying that he was going to tell you and I thought he did and then when I found out today at lunch I knew I had to tell you. I really am sorry that this had to be like this and I really am sorry." He rambles on as we walk to my room.

"Well you're the only one who had the balls enough to tell me, Jack straight lied to my face when I asked him before lunch, he just offered me the girls number." I sigh sitting down on my bed,  "you can sit down."

He nods slowly before sitting on my bed, "I really am sorry, you can't not forgive Jack though, he knew if he told you then he would hurt you but I know that is not an excuse."

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