An Overnight sensation

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After performing at the Platinum Music Awards, Tori Vega went from an average high school junior to an overnight sensation.  When Tori went back to Hollywood Arts High School on the first Monday back, the school had to increase security including having Police in the school led by Tori's dad Detective Vega to prevent the paparazzi from entering the school though they would have a harder time of having to stop current students and some teachers of wanting to talk with Tori and getting a picture/video with her. It proved to be difficult as whatever Principal Helen and Mr. Vega tried to stop the crowd nothing seemed to be working until class began and even then some paparazzo took pics of Tori in class. Even Sikowitz had to throw coconuts at the paparazzo. Ultimately, Tori was called into Lane the guidance counselor's office where she found Lane, her parents, Mason Thronesmith, and his assistant in the office.

"What's this about?" Tori asked. "Tori, How would you like to sing with Neutronium Records?" Mason asked. Tori was pleasantly surprised saying, "Absolutely, where do I sign?". "Not quite yet, Tori," Mason said, "Since you're a minor, your parents would have to sign for you and they said that they want to reach out to some people they know before they sign the contract which I agreed however I hoping this will get done by the next few days so we can record "Make It In America," as soon as possible. I want to strike the iron before it cools. I would like for the contract to be signed by Thursday so we can put you in the recording studio by Friday so we can record the song and have it on Radio Stations as fast as possible," Tori asked her parents if they could speed up the process. Her mom replied, "Trust me, I want this process done as much as you do however I want a lawyer and a talent agent to look so we don't end like NSYNC with lawsuits. We should have professionals check it out before we sign anything, it should be done by Wednesday or Thursday,"       

Tori wanted to be done as soon as possible but she would respect her parents' wishes. They were looking out for her and her future. Tori asked Thornesmith, "Do I tell people or should not say anything about this," Thornesmith said, "Not quite yet, we don't want news to pop out like this just yet," Tori asked, "Is that it? Should I go back to class," Lane said "Yes, go back to class, Tori," and Tori left to back to Sikowitz's class. 

She got back to class hearing whispers and Jade said, "So Tori, what was that about?" Tori said, "What was what about?" Jade replied, "Mason Thronesmith is in our school, don't tell me that he came to this school just to ask what your morning was doing?" Tori said, "Maybe he did," Andre said, "Come on Tori, he had to offer you a record deal after the performance, you're the talk of the world,"  

Tori said, "I not going to say anything about that, especially with them looking on," talking about the paparazzo as they took picture of Tori and her classmates and Sikowitz.

Things were so bad with the Paparazzo that the group had to have lunch in the Blackbox Theater. Well, Tori had to though some of her friends Beck and Andre joined her. 

Tori said, "Where's the others?" Beck said, "They're outside at the usual table," Tori said, "I wish I can be at the table with the others," Andre said, "Even Jade," Beck said, "Really?" Andre responded, "Why aren't you with her?" Beck said, "I have my reasons like I want to be here for Tori," 

Tori said, "How is Jade? I haven't spoken to her since the show other than the one time," Beck said, "She's been good," Tori said, "She isn't regretting giving me my spot back, is she?"

Beck said, "It was your spot to begin with plus I'm sure she likes the peace, no offense,"   

Tori said, "Nothing was taken, On one hand, I did try out for this but I want some peace while I attend classes and have lunch with friends outside without having to worry about people taking pictures of me" 

Andre said, "The sad part is it's the tip of the iceberg, your life will never be the same. Isn't this what you wanted?"

Tori said, "Yes but I wasn't expecting this to happen this soon,"

Tori's dad came into the theater and  said, "Hey Boys, can I talk to Tori alone?" Beck said, "Sure" and Andre said, "Later Tori," and they left.

Mr Vega said, "How are you holding up?" Tori said, "Overwhelmed," Mr. Vega said, "Understandable we're having trouble trying to keep the paparazzo in check, I like to say things will die down but I'm not sure. Maybe something else will grab their attention. Also, I know you want to sign the record deal but your mom and I want professionals to look at it before we sign. Trust us we want done as well and have you in the recording studio to release the song and album but we want to make sure we're getting the best deal for you, OK?"

Tori said, "OK" and hugged her dad. Her dad said, "OK I better continue to prevent the paparazzi from invading the school," He left while Tori was left alone thinking of what was next to come.  

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