Tori has a hit

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After school, Tori and Andre rode in a limo to the recording studio for Tori to record her single "Make It In America," It took nearly four and a half hours to record the single and they left the studio at about 8 PM. The song engineers worked overtime to make sure that the single was ready for radio play and to be sold at the Pear Store in the morning under the wishes/demands of one Mason Thronesmith. They made it with 20-30 minutes to spare for the song to be played on radio stations at 10 AM ET or 7 AM West Coast Time. 

As Tori and Trina were getting ready for school while listening to the radio and around 7 they played Tori's song on the radio and as soon as the radio station they were listening played the song, the family celebrated. Trina hugged Tori a bit too tightly and Mrs. Vega got Trina off Tori so she to hug Tori herself.

Mrs. Vega said "Congratulations sweetie, You're on the radio," Trina added, "Congrats Baby Sis, you're famous now," Tori said, "Well I was famous a little bit prior with the Platinum Music Awards," Trina replied, "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah Ms. Big Time Celebrity," 

Mrs. Vega said, "Famous or not, you ladies need to go to school," Tori said, "I wonder if I should be home-schooled because I'm going to deal with a mob of Parazzo and fellow students," Mrs. Vega said, "Well we can think about that later on but until then you're still a student at Hollywood Arts. Besides, I'll sure you would want to be with your friends," Tori slightly agreed with her Mom and left with Trina to go to school. 

As they started to drive to school Trina asked, "How crazy do you think school will be?" Tori answered, "Crazy Crazy,"  

As they entered the school, they saw their dad again during crowd control at the school. 

Tori said, "Hi Dad," and hugged him with Trina following suit as well and added, "Are you back here for security?"

Mr. Vega said, "I'm afraid so, I'm happy to see you but I wish it was under better circumstances and not just trying to prevent paparazzo and others from getting to you," 

Trina said, "Did you hear Tori's song on the radio?" Mr. Vega said, "I did, congrats kiddo," Tori said, "Thanks Dad, all right let's enter the school,"

When they entered the school, they were mobbed by fellow students in events similar to Monday this time with cheering and the students were the main problem as the Paparazzo were there but not as many. However, despite the big crowd Tori still managed to find her friends who assembled Tori by hugging her and saying Congratulations, even Jade hugged Tori. 

Andre said, "So when does the album come out?" Tori answered, "Some time in June and so does the tour," Beck asked, "So does that mean we won't see you in our Senior Year?"

Tori thinks about how to answer the question because she knows that more than likely, she won't be with her friends in her senior year and later answers, "Well it's too soon to say but if the album is successful more than likely I won't be here for my senior year," 

The group was sad to hear that their friend would be there for their senior year.  Cat said, "That stinks," Jade said, "So what? We spent about a year and a half without Tori before she got here. We can spend another year without her,"

Tori's dad overhears Jade's comment and asks Jade, "Seriously, why are you at our house all the time saying crap like that?" Beck said, "In fairness, Mr. Vega. Jade doesn't speak for all of us. It's a shame we all won't be together in our senior year. We will miss Tori. Jade won't but the rest of us will,"

Jade said, "Thanks for throwing me under the bus, Beck," Beck said, "Come on, you mean to tell us that you won't miss Tori, not even a little bit? Especially with her dad right here,"

Jade thought to herself before the bell rang to get the students to class. Jade was relieved so she didn't have to answer Beck's question. She was going to miss Tori but didn't want to admit it to the group, at least for right now.

They went to Sikowitz's Class who had white curtains blocking the windows.  Tori said, "Why are there white curtains on the windows?" Sikowitz said, "To prevent the Paparazzi from getting pictures while I'm trying to teach you how to be actors and I can't throw stuff anymore and my buddy Gary Busey can't either," 

Tori said, "You're friends with Gary Busey?" Sikowitz said, "Yes, and he told me that your neighbors?" Tori said, "We're neighbors though my dad is considering a restraining order against him,"  Sikowitz said, "I'll talk with him to get him to stop bothering you and your family," Tori asked, "Would he listen to you?" Sikowitz answered honestly, "Probably not, anyway I want to said a congrats to Tori on the release of her single and I hope you don't forget about us in Hollywood Arts when you become a big pop star," 

Tori said, "Don't worry if I hadn't been accepted by the previous principal, I wouldn't be here in this situation so I do own Hollywood Arts big time otherwise I would be just a normal student in Sherwood," Then Jade who was annoyed said, "Really? Are you forgetting something?" Tori thought about Jade's question and then remembered what she was talking about.

Tori said, "Yes, Jade I am forgetting something. Thank You for giving me my spot back," 

Jade said, "You're Welcome," Sikowitz was surprised by that news.   He said, "Wait, What?" Tori said, "Wait you don't know?" Sikowitz said, "Know that?" Jade said, "That Mason fired her the day before the performance and gave the spot to me and I gave it back to her just before the show. The firing happened at school, where were you?" 

Sikowitz was thinking about where he was during that time and said, "Honestly, I don't know where I was at the time," Jade asked, "Is the Coconut Water affect your brain?" 

Sikowitz said, "Not really though I can be forgetful at times," Jade said, "Like how you forgot that my play was going to be at the Ashalpt Cafe but you canceled it  for Tori's stupid Prom," 

Tori said, "Prome and you didn't rent the space I did," Andre said, "Are we going to have another Prome?" Jade said, "Well I don't have a play coming up so No," Tori said, "Hey I helped you get your play scheduled for the Blackbox Theater and got fake blood splashed on me,"

Sikowitz asked Jade, "Why did you give Tori back her spot?" Jade said, "I have my reasons," 

Sikowitz said, "OK we're way off track again, let's continue with the class,"     

Make It In America Ended up being 7th in the Music Charts and Tori Vega was now a hit Musical Artist.   

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