Finishing the Album and assembling her team, Maybe

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After about two months of working on the album, Tori was finished with her debut album. She felt relieved to finally not go to the recording studio after school anymore, giving her one less thing to worry about. However, she realized it was a step closer to being on tour and being away from friends. She was summoned to a meeting with Mason. Tori entered his office.

Tori said, "You wanted to see me, Mason?" Mason said, "Yes come right in and take a seat," he continued "As you know you finished your work on the album and it should be done 2 to 3 weeks, then we release the album and another song and start the tour.  Don't worry we'll make sure the tour doesn't start until the school year and you'll be able to attend your talentless sister's graduation, have a few days to celebrate with your family then you'll go on tour and I know you'll miss your senior year but don't worry I'll make sure you'll get your degree at Hollywood Arts, I struck a deal with them so you finish your senior year while on tour," 

Tori said, "That's great, anything else?" Mason added, "If you're interested, do you want to add a few of your friends to join on tour as musicians and/or backup singers, you can. Anyone interested?" 

Tori said, "I might know a few people, I already asked Andre and he's interested but he would think about it a bit and I could ask Jade and Cat if they want to be backup singers," 

Mason said, "Good to hear if they said "No," it's understandable we have our people just in case. Also, I better tell the catering to not allow bibble on tour and setup education for you guys. Anything else you want to add, Tori?" 

Tori said, "No, I think we are all good," Mason said, "Wonderful, I'll see you later and me know about your friends," Tori said, "Will do. One more question," Mason said, "What is it?" Tori asked, "Is it for the whole tour or can they leave sooner than that?" Mason said, "They would be allowed to leave whenever they want," Tori said, "Sounds like a plan," and left Mason's office. 

The next day at school, Tori saw Jade and Cat sitting at the lunch table and went to sit with them and asked if they wanted to join her on her tour. 

Tori said, "Hey you guys," Cat said, "Hi, Tori" Jade said, "What do you want, Vega?" Tori said, "How would you ladies like to be my backup singer for my upcoming tour?" 

Cat was excited and said, "I would love to be your backup singer plus I want to give some money to my parents to help pay for my brother's care. Thank You, Tori," and hugged Tori hard for about 10-15 seconds and left the table excited. Jade just sat there annoyed. 

Tori said, "What about you Jade would you like to be my backup singer?" Jade said, "What do you think you owe me because I gave your spot back Tori? Well guess what Vega you don't owe me crap otherwise you want to leave me alone and don't bother asking Beck to join your tour," Jade stormed out and Tori said out loud, "A simple No would do," Jade yelled out, "NO!!!". Tori said, "See that wasn't so hard wasn't it?" and she enjoyed having peace at the lunch table however also thought that would be her life as none of her friends were there. That is until Robbie who was angry at Tori and said, "How dare you?" Tori said, "How dare I what?" Robbie said, "You asked Cat to be on your stupid tour. She's the love of my life,"

Tori said, "You guys haven't even dated yet. Heck, she ran away when you kissed her," Robbie said, "We could be but thanks to your stupid tour it won't happen," Tori said, "Well, you have some time so ask her out you big chicken," Robbie said, "You know what, I will do that. She'll more than likely say no but I will ask her out. Just like how Andre should ask you out," Tori said, "Wait, What?" Robbie said, "I should go," and tried to leave but Tori grabbed his arm and said, "Oh no, you're not getting away that easy, TALK!!!!" Robbie said, "OK, OK I overheard Andre tell Beck he has a crush on you, ever since he first saw you," Tori said, "Anything else?" Robbie said, "He's thinking of not going to the tour, he wants to stay here for his senior year," 

Tori was sad and said, "I wished he told me himself," Robbie said, "What are you going to do?" Tori said, "Talk with him sometime," Robbie said, "Can you please let go of me?" Tori let go of Robbie and reached for her phone to text Andre who had been avoiding her. 

After school, Andre was at his home with his grandma who was on her medication after an "incident" and was thinking what he should do and his grandma asked, "Doing OK, Andre?" He answered, "Not really, I got to decide if I want to join the tour or not and tell Tori my true feelings for her," His Grandma said, "You've been crazy for that girl since the first time for saw her. Why not tell her?" He said, "I'm afraid it would ruin my friendship with her," Grandma said, "Take that chance. You guys are tied to the hip. Also, do the tour for the summer. I'm sure she won't mind if go back for your senior year," Andre thought what about his grandma said and decided to go to the Vega house. 

Andre said, "You're right, Grandma. I'm going to Tori's and tell you her," Grandma said, "Go get her," 

Andre went to Tori's house and rang the doorbell and the door opened and it was Mr. Vega who said, "Andre, what are you doing here?" Andre said, "I want to talk to Tori, I'm tried of hiding from her," Mr. Vega said, "Come in," and Andre came in the house while Mr. Vega closed the door and said, "Tori, Andre is here,". A few seconds later, Tori came down the stairs and said, "What do you want?" Mr. Vega said, "I give you guys some privacy but I will be nearby," Tori's dad goes upstairs. 

Tori said, "Are you going to talk or is Robbie coming?" Andre said, "OK I should have told you sooner but I'm unsure if I want to do the tour though my grandma said to do the tour in the summer which I leading towards," 

Tori said, "I think you should join us, you produced and wrote half of the album. Would your grandma be OK?" Andre said, "There's other cousins that could fill in while I'm gone. Also, is Cat joining you?" Tori said, "She said she would join though unsure if Robbie will tell Cat his true feeling to her like another guy I know," Andre knew and she was talking about and said, "You're right I do love you, ever since I saw you a few steps from here but I know it's going to be awkward since you're friends were going to be on tour together, I don't think it would be the right time to date, unsure if Mason would want to us to be together," 

Tori said, "I do like you but you right it's going to be difficult being boyfriend and girlfriend on tour. We can always take it one day at a time and make a decision later," Andre said, "Sounds good," They hugged each other and Andre said, "It's getting late, I better get home," Tori said, "OK, see you tomorrow unless you plan to avoid me tomorrow like you did today,"  Andre said, "Don't worry, I see then tomorrow, Good Night," Tori said, "Goodnight Tori," He left and Tori went back upstairs. 

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