Graduation and a Surprise

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Fast forward to the High School Graduation of Andre, Beck, Cat, Robbie, and Jade. Andre came back to Hollywood Arts just before the school year to finish high school while Cat came back in November before Thanksgiving to be there at Hollywood Arts for graduation and to work on an album which Andre was doing as well and helped Cat with hers and Robbie and Cat were a couple. Tori finished her tour and was able to graduate while on tour. She told her friends, she was planning to be there but at the last minute she wasn't going to be there or so she told them. However, while she told them she was going to be there, she hatched a plan to Sikowitz, Lane, and Principal Helen that she would be there. She spent a year on tour with her album, "Make It Shine," selling over three million copies and having five Top 40 hits including three in the Top 10. One of the songs was "Faster than Boyz," a song that Mason Thornesmith had to force Kojeezy to put on the album. While on tour, she did graduate from Hollywood Arts thanks to a deal between Mason Thornesmith and the school which also helped Cat as well.   

There was extra security there because there were rumors that Lady Gaga, Beyonce, or One Direction were performing. Not many people were expecting Tori after she posted on social media that she wasn't going to be there and wished her fellow grads congratulations. She was able to sneak thanks to Lane, Principal Helen, and Sikowitz. However, the group got suspicious when Tori's parents were there. 

Andre, Beck, Robbie, Cat, and later Jade went up to them and Andre said, "Hey Mr and Mrs. Vega, nice to see you guys here does this mean Tori is coming?" Mr. Vega said, "I wish but she's still in the air but she'll land tonight to celebrate if you guys," Cat asked, "Where at?" Mrs. Vega said, "At our place, it's been very quiet since Tori left for the tour and Trina went to college," Robbie asked, "Where's Trina?" Jade said, "Why would you ask that question?

Mrs Vega said, "She's busy with exams in school so she won't be here or at the celebration," Jade said, "Good,". Mrs Vega said, "Seriously, why did you hang out at our home?" Andre asked, "Don't take this the wrong way but why are you guys here?" Mrs. Vega said, "To see you guys graduate, Tori wanted us to take pictures" Mr. Vega added, "Plus we're going to receive Tori's diploma," Cat said, "Pictures of us?" Mrs. Vega said, "Of course, Cat," 

Beck stepped in and said, "Sorry to cut this short but I think we head to the auditorium for the ceremony," The group heads the auditorium with Tori's parents following suit. 

The group along with the rest of the graduating class got their high school diplomas and then Principal Helen gave another speech, "Some of are wondering if the rumors are true if we have a famous performer here to the graduation. Well, we do,"

The crowd erupts with cheer after about 20-30 seconds then Helen adds, "OK settle down, settle down, and let the artist perform," and tells Andre who was on stage at the piano and hit it and he starts playing "Make it Shine," then the crowd hears, "Here I am, once again," The group starts thinking is Tori, then their question was answered when the one and only Tori Vega appeared on stage to sing the acoustic version of Make It Shine as the crowd cheers. After the song, she got a standing ovation and she hugged Andre and Principal Helen and Sikowitz came to the stage. 

Helen said, "Great performance Tori as usual and as principal I'm here to give you Victoria "Tori" Vega your High School Diploma," and she gave Tori her diploma and Sikowitz added, "Usually we don't let students keep their locker doors and a few exceptions like Andre's keyboard and Beck's clear locker, Seriously who else would want a clear locker besides Beck but thanks to Andre, will able to give your locker door and you can always make it shine," Then Andre added, "Beck, Robbie, Cat, myself, and even Jade kept the light on even though you were on tour," Tori said, "Thank You guys, I love you all," and hugs Andre as the crowd gives a round of applause. 

Helen said, "OK ceremony is over, Congrats to the graduating class and Good Luck in your future endeavors and celebrate with your family," The class tossed their caps and the ceremony was over. 

Tori's Parents and Lane summoned the group over to black box theater where they found Tori, Andre, and Sikowitz there and the group hugged Tori. Beck said, "How do you pull this off?" Jade said, "Did you know she was going to be here, Andre?" Tori first said, "I had help thanks to Helen, Lane, and Sikowitz," Then Andre said, "I did and I was sworn to secrecy,"   

Robbie said, "What are you going to do now?" Tori said, " Since the tour is over, I wanted to take some time for myself, get a place for myself and maybe go on a date with a certain someone,"  

Andre said, "Funny, I thought about asking out this good-looking half-Latina to Nozu who just got back from the tour," 

Tori said, "How's Tomorrow night sound?" Andre said, "Sounds like a plan," and they hugged. Jade said, "Can we go? I want to be with my parents for a change and Welcome back Tori, Believe or not, I did miss you," 

Tori said, "I missed you as well Jade and the rest of you. I can't wait to see you guys tonight," Beck said, "We won't miss it for the world," Mrs. Vega wondered, "Would it be OK? I'm sure your parents would love to celebrate with you guys," 

Beck said, "They understand and as well as Jade's," Robbie said, "Well I can be there for an hour or so," Cat said, "I'm good tonight, my parents won't be here until tomorrow, they're still in Idaho," Andre said, "I'm having dinner with my family soon but I should be there tonight," and the group left to go outside while Tori and Andre with her parents and Mr. Vega carrying Tori's Make It Shine locker room and asked, "What are we going to do with this?" and Mrs. Vega said, "I'm sure I can find someplace in the house for it unless you want to put it in your place Tori,"

Tori said, "I'll think of something unless you want to keep it," Mr. Vega said, "We'll think of something," Mrs. Vega said, "It would make a good night light," and her parents and Andre left as Tori alone as she took one last look at the black box theater and turned around and left.       

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