Leaving for the tour

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Fast forward to Trina's graduation as the Vegas' and Andre celebrated Trina graduating from Hollywood Arts outside of the school and they were later joined by Cat, Jade, Robbie, and Beck.

Trina said, "Hi Tori's friends," and she hugged each one except for Jade. Trina said, "Thanks for coming," Jade said, "We were bored," Beck said, "Jade, please be nice. Trina did graduate," Robbie said, "Congrats Trina," Trina said, "Thanks Robbie," Jade said, "It's going to be a better year, next year without the Vega sisters," Trina said, "You'll miss us," Mr Vega said, "Are you always like this or are we just lucky?" Beck said, "Let's go let the Vegas' celebrate, and let's congratulate Sinjin," Jade said, "Do we have to?" Beck said, "Yes" Beck and Jade left but Robbie and Cat stayed. 

Mrs. Vega asked Cat, "Are you joining Tori and Andre on Tour?" Cat said, "I am Mrs. Tori's mom," then Mrs. Vega asked Robbie, "Are you OK with that?" Robbie answered, "Not really but I'm OK with it. What are you guys going to do now?" Mr. Vega said, "The five of us are going to Maestro's shortly," Cat said, "Isn't there four of you?" Mr. Vega said, "We're taking Andre with us," Robbie said, "Can we come?" Cat said, "Actually, we already have plans," Robbie said, "We do?" Cat said, "Yeah, come on?" and Cat dragged Robbie away. Mrs. Vega said, "That was close," 

Andre said, "Why you didn't want Cat and Robbie to join us?" Mr. Vega said, "We already have a reservation for five," Andre said, "OK" 

They later went to Maestro's where the Vega family and Andre had dinner and Mr. Vega said a toast, "Like to say a toast to both my daughters Trina and Tori. To Trina graduating from High School and going to UCLA in the fall and to Tori for starting on her major tour. I'm proud of you ladies and wish you nothing but success,"

Trina said, "Thanks Dad though I wished I was going to USC," Mrs. Vega annoyed said, "Let it go, Trina. You didn't get in. UCLA is a good school," Trina said, "Yeah but it's not USC,"

Mrs. Vega said, "Like to wish a toast to Tori for starting her career at pop stardom, I still hope you not only finished your high school education but also consider a college education as well however, I also wish you nothing but success. Also, do you have another single out?" 

Tori said, "Hey it's called 'Faster than Boyz' and is climbing the charts," Mr. Vega said, "Well you won't be a one-hit wonder. Also, is Make It Shine on the album?"

Tori said, "Yes, it is and it will be on the first track on the album and the name of my album," Mrs. Vega said, "Are you thrilled about being on Tour, Andre?" Andre said, "I am and it helps that some of my cousins are going to help Grandma out,"  Tori said, "Also a toast to Andre and helping me on my album and for writing and producing half of my album I don't think I could've done it without you," Trina and the parents said, "To Andre," Andre said, "I'm sure you would have done the album without me. The process would have taken much longer," 

Tori said, "Thanks for that," Andre said, "In fairness, you are talented. Otherwise, Mason would not have had you performing at the Platinum Music Awards. Also, Hollywood Arts won't be the same without you. Sorry should not have said that," Tori said, "That's OK, I know. I wish I could do both at the same time. Well, class wise I can but if won't be the same with Beck, Jade, and Robbie and I'm unsure how you and Cat are doing to be on tour," 

Tori's dad said, "Hey kiddo, worry about that later. Today we celebrate not only you but Trina as well," Trina said, "I agree with you dad, I will miss you, baby sister. It won't be the same without you,"  Tori said, "Thanks Trina, and congrats on graduating from Hollywood Arts," Andre said, "It's going to be a big adjustment without the Vega sisters," Trina said, "That's right we came, we saw, and we kick," Mrs. Vega interrupted and said, "TRINA!!!!!" Trina said, "I was going to say Butt," Mrs. Vega said, "OK then," and they finished their meal and dessert.

A few days later, it was time for Tori, Andre, and Cat to leave for the tour. Tori had the bus to pick them up at Hollywood Arts and they can take one last look at the school thanks to Sikowitz and Lane with The Vegas', Trina, Beck, Robbie, and Jade with them as they wait on the bus. Sikowitz said, "So this is it? This is the last time I'll see the three of you," Andre said, "I'm planning on coming back," Cat said, "Unsure," Tori said, "I'll afraid so though I might come back to visit," Sikowitz said, "Come back any time except for the summer, I won't be there," 

Tori noticed her lights in the locker room were on and she went over there to shut off the lights. Beck said, "A end of the era," Tori said, "I'm afraid so," Beck said, "I so that you're newest single is in the top 40 charts, so you won't be a one-hit wonder," Tori said, "That's what my dad said," 

Mr Vega said, "Yeah, I said that," Robbie said, "While I don't like that Cat is going away with you but I will wait for Cat and Cat when you get back, I'm going to take you out for dinner," Cat smiled and said, "I would love that," and they kissed. 

Jade said, "Hey everyone outside, I want to talk to Tori alone," Tori said, "I'm unsure if I trust you being alone with you," Jade said, "Detective, you can be here while I talk to your daughter," Mr Vega said, "I'll get you space but I won't be too far," and everyone else left. 

Tori said, "What now, Jade? Are you going to tell that you're not going to miss me and that you're going to be happy that I'm not going to be here for your senior year and that...." Jade interrupts Tori to hug her and said, "I like you Vega but you need to shut up once in a while," and added, "Of course, I'm going to miss you and Andre and Cat," Tori goes, "Are you OK? Also, are you crying?" Jade said while crying, "Not really because you're going to be gone silly. I know I've given you crap a lot of time but you have always been for me even when I've been nothing to mean to you. I want you to succeed and show what you and Hollywood Arts are about," Tori said, "Thank You," Jade said, "Don't mention, no seriously don't mention it since I will deny it and goes for you, Mr. Vega," while wiping the tears from her face.

Mr. Vega added, "Don't worry you're secret is safe with me and Tori, right Tori?" Tori answered, "Right dad and I will miss you Jade as weird as that sounds," Lane walked in the school and said "Hey Tori, the tour bus is here. Saying goodbye to your friends and family," Tori and Jade walk to the parking lot and Jade said, "Take care of Cat for me otherwise I will hunt you down,". Tori said, "Don't worry I will," Lane asked Mr. Vega, "Did Jade hug Tori?"  Mr. Vega said, "They did, don't mention it," and they followed the ladies outside.

Tori, Andre, and Cat hugged and said their goodbyes as they entered the tour bus. The bus rolled away from the school and the tour began. 

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